[comp.sys.transputer] general purpose router

scott@CANNON.CS.USU.EDU (Scott Cannon) (03/28/91)

  I've received a significant response to my recent note concerning a General Purpose message Router for a transputer network.   As a result, I've quickly configured a more portable version which is now available with some crude documentation and examples.  Basically, the GPR allows any process on any node to send a message of any length to any other process on any other node.  Messages sent to the GPR by user processes are buffered so synchronization is not required and blocking does not occur in local pr

ocesses during a transmit operation (or atleast not much).  All transmissions over physical links are buffered so that physical channels and the rest of GPR activities are blocked as little as possible.  A message arrives with a return address to allow a receiving process to determine origins.  The system is written for Logical Systems C for a PC/AT host running 4-link transputers in an arbitrary configuration or topology.

  The GPR system is fairly small (only about 2 pages of code) and requires less than 8k of memory (with reasonable message queues).  It is being made available for non-commercial use to anyone who may have a use for it.  No support is promised or implied -- its just a little quick-and-dirty research/class support tool that we've found useful.
  Send me mail if you would like a copy -- the sources, documentation (brief as it is), configuration, and example use files are all available via anonymous ftp.  I would like to keep track of who has it and would appreciate hearing (in a nice way) about any bugs you find or nice upgrades you make.

Scott R. Cannon, PhD            scott@cannon.cs.usu.edu
Dept. of Computer Science       (801) 750-2015
Utah State Univ.                FAX (801) 750-3378
Logan, UT.  84322-4205