[comp.sys.transputer] Tri-diagonal matrix solver

ccspad@gdr.bath.ac.uk (P A Dale) (04/29/91)

I'm looking for a parallel algorithm for solving tri-diagonal matrices, 
which are currently being solved using the Thomas algorithm, suitable for
a Meiko Computing Surface of 36 T800s. The matrix is of the order 2^13 - 2^14 
elements (100 x 100).

Addtionally a parallel algorithm (or a pointer to a source) for a banded form
of this matrix capable of dealing with complex numbers would be welcome.

The algorithm would be used by a user I support, a UK based academic, 
for purely research purposes and would be seeking no financial or other 
benefit. If code for such an algorithm (in Fortran using CSTools ?) exists 
then a copy or a pointer to its acquisition would be gratefully received.

Paul Dale
BUCS, Bath University, Claverton Down, Bath, Avon. BA2 7AY
e-mail: P.A.Dale@uk.ac.bath
tel: (0225) 826215
fax: 0225 826176