[comp.sys.transputer] occam for T9000?

scott@cs.heriot-watt.ac.uk (Scott Telford) (05/04/91)

There's been some stuff recently on the transputer mailing list about
the T9000, but I've haven't seen much about what INMOS are doing about
occam implementations for the new chip.

What's happened to the occam 2.1, 3 and 91 projects David May mentioned
in the interview in "Program Now" last month? 

Presumably there will be a (at least slightly) revised occam 2 to handle
the T9000's mysterious "shared channels" and without the now-obsolete "PLACE"

Are INMOS going to continue with their ridiculous TDS or will there just
be an occam toolset for the T9?

Somebody spill the beans please!

| Scott Telford                 Janet: scott@uk.ac.hw.cs / scott@cs.hw.ac.uk |
| Comp Sci IV                Internet: scott%cs.hw.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk  |
| Dept of Computer Science       uucp: scott%hwcs@ukc.uucp                   |
| Heriot-Watt University                                                     |
| 79 Grassmarket            "This time it was right, it would work, and      |
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