[comp.sys.transputer] The demise of TDS

pete@ohm.york.ac.uk (-Pete French.) (05/08/91)

> Are INMOS going to continue with their ridiculous TDS or will there just
> be an occam toolset for the T9?

Objection ! some of us find TDS useful (and I was glad to see that some people
at Transputing 91 were prepared to stand up and say so). 

What would be nice is if TDS could be made to call the toolset compiler somehow
so that those of us who are using TDS could just slot in a new toolset
compiler when one was released and yet still be able to work with TDS.

Easy upgrades - what a nice idea.


-Pete French.

-Pete French. (the -bat. )         /  "Two wrongs don't make a right,
Adaptive Systems Engineering      /    - but three lefts do !"