[comp.sys.transputer] Parallel Computing Curriculum Development Workshop

tymann@g.g.oswego.edu (Paul Tymann) (05/14/91)


			  July 19 - 24, 1991

			  Colgate University

			     sponsored by

			National Science Foundation
			  Colgate University

	   The purpose of this workshop is to develop modules for teaching
	parallel computing at the undergraduate level, with an emphasis on
	laboratory units.  Participants will be asked to submit and present a
	module which they have developed.  About half the workshop will be 
	devoted to presentations and half to discussion and further develo-
	ment of the modules.  After the workshop, participants will be asked
	to submit revised versions of their modules for incorporation into a
	collection for dissemination to computer science educators.  The four
	principle investigators for the project, Chris Nevison (Colgate Uni-
	versity), Paul Tymann (SUNY Oswego), Michael Schneider (Macalaster
	College), and Daniel Hyde (Bucknell University), will be responsible
	for editing the collection of materials with a view to publication
	in the near future.  We hope to have a followup workshop in the summer
	of 1992 if support can be obtained.  Participants will be encouraged
	to use draft versions of the modules in their teaching for evaluation.

	   An NSF grant will cover travel and room and board costs for the
	workshop.  Participants will receive a stipend of $250 after
	submission of their revised module.

	   There may be limited funds to support attendance by individuals
	who want to become involved with the project but do not have a module
	to submit at this time.  Please write to inquire.

	To Apply:	Send a draft or an abstract of your module and a brief
			resume including your experience with parallel 
			computing and your experience teaching parallel
			computing and your module in particular to

		Chris Nevison
		Curriculum Development Project
		Computer Science Dept.
		Colgate University
		13 Oak Drive
		New York  13346

		or via e-mail to


	Applications due by June 7, 1991
Paul Tymann, Computer Science Dept.,
SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY, 13126 (315)341-2367
email: tymann@g.oswego.edu