[comp.sys.transputer] 3L C incompatible with my system ??

mkc@cis.ufl.edu (Madhan Chidambaram) (05/15/91)

Hi netters,

We have installed a 16 transputer system from Parsytec on our 
Sun 4/490 running the 4.1.1 version of the operating system.

We have also installed a #3L C compiler on our system, but we are
unable to get the compiler to run on our system.  The compiler 
is not able to read the C file that is to be compiled.

By the way, we also had problems executing the MultiTool software 
(from Parsytec) on our system, but after compiling the file handling
utilities on our system, MultiTool worked fine.

If anybody has experienced any problem similar to this, kindly
contact me.  The C compiler seems to have been working fine with 
other architectures and operating systems, but has problems with
this combination of architecture and the operating system version.

Any ideas to this problem ? 3L C is said to interact only with 
MultiTool and not with the Sun system.  So changes in the host
hardware or software should not affect the way 3L C performs.




301 CSE,
Computer and Information Science Department
University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida,

email: mkc@cis.ufl.edu