[comp.sys.transputer] Help : transputer link connection standards

agodwin@acorn.co.uk (Adrian Godwin) (05/20/91)

Are there any standards for the physical interconnections of transputer links
between board products, other than the ITEM links ? 

I have a transputer video controller (no documentation, unknown manufacturer)
built to the IBM-PC expansion card form-factor. It appears to use the PC bus
only for power, and has a small group of pin headers as the only connection
to the outside world. These appear to be a set of links and up/down connections,
but not in the familiar ITEM pinout - they look something like this :

          o o . o o . o o . o o       o o o o o
          o o . o o . o o . o o       o o o o o

where 'o' is a pin, and '.' is a position where a pin has been cut away.
(I may have the spacing wrong, but the grouping into sets of four pins is 
correct - the ITEM leads 'o o o . o' will not fit).

Any ideas what the pinout might be ? I can make a reasonable guess at the
links, but the up/down connector is not so obvious.
