[comp.sys.transputer] Multiuser OS Support for B008??

conrad@wucs1.wustl.edu (H. Conrad Cunningham) (06/17/91)

I am developing a transputer-based system to use for a class in
parallel programming.   I currently have an IMSB008 transputer
motherboard, a single T800 TRAM, and B003 and M212 evaluation boards
thanks mostly to gifts.  I plan to purchase a 386-based
PC/AT-compatible to use as the host machine.  If possible, I would
like to allow multiple users to develop (edit, compile, maybe
simulate, etc.) programs for this transputer system simultaneously,
then allocate the transputer ensemble one at a time for actual runs.
Thus instead of MS-DOS I'd like to run a multiuser OS on the 386 (the
ESIX version of UNIX would be my preference).  Do appropriate drivers,
toolsets, etc., exist that will allow me to do this? 

(My initial plan was to buy a few Transputer Education Kits, but, if
possible, I would like to invest my small budget in additional TRAMs
for the B008 and software.)

My department's computer facilities are networked via ethernet.  The
systems include 3 Sun-3's, a Sun-4, a 3B2, and several 386s.  Software
tools based on one of these might be useful.

H. Conrad Cunningham	          |  Title:     Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer & Info. Science |  Telephone: (601) 232-5358    Fax: 232-7010
University of Mississippi         |  Internet:  cunningham@cs.olemiss.edu
302 Weir Hall                     |--------------------------------------------
University, MS  38677  U.S.A.     |  Home:      Rt. 1, Box 81, Oxford, MS 38655