[comp.sys.transputer] Occam-to-C interface ....

LAISIETL@nusdiscs.earn (06/22/91)

Dear Netters,
   Quite some time ago, I ever posted a query on the interface of EXPRESS
C and Occam. There was no response and I think it is due to some user-base
of EXPRESS C (I might be wrong ). Any way, I abandoned this idea and
decided to use 3L compiler and Occam toolset. I am using Occam toolset
D505 ( Is it D505 ... my local distributor does not know the suffix ...
It seems to be the 1st version) on Sun 386i system and 3L compiler
on PC. However, I have problems to call C routine from Occam process
(type 3 interface -- process only communicate with the others).
I have found out :-
1) there are some "minor" errors in the example file occam/d505/examples
2) type 1 and 2 interface seem to be o.kay
3) the interface program given in the directory occam/d505/interf cannot
   be compiled ... after amending the "minor" error, I realised that
   the effect is different from the pre-compiled .t8u file ...
   (both interface hanged .... )
Well, dear netters, can you pls share your experience and view with
me ....
Thank you in advance
Lai Siet-Leng