[comp.editors] MicroEmacs default key bindings

jrl@images.Waterloo.NCR.COM (john Latala) (12/18/89)

I've been playing with MicroEmacs 3.10 trying to get the functions keys
to work under Unix. When I compiled everything and did a
'describe-bindings' I saw that there were couple of functions bound to
'funny' function keys.

It lloks like the bindings are coming from the ebinf.h file. It looks
like there is a section of IBM specific bindings that are always done,
regardless of the host syste, Shouldn't the section in the ebind.h file

	{ALTD|'S',		BINDFNC,	forwhunt},
	{ALTD|'R',		BINDFNC,	backhunt},

... thru ...

	{SPEC|SHFT|'9', 	BINDFNC,	cbuf9},
	{SPEC|SHFT|'0', 	BINDFNC,	cbuf10},

be bracketed by an '#if IBMPC/#endif' construct?

I have the impression that the 'cbuf' bindings are a hold over from
version 3.9 (and earlier). Is this impression correct? What is, or was,
the purpose of the 'cbufXX' bindings?
