[comp.editors] OEM UNIX Editor

ddisch@encore.com (Del Disch) (06/06/90)

ENCORE Information Systems in Fort Lauderdale has been evaluating
a third party editor on the Multimax (UNIX System V).  This is a
full screen editor derived from XEDIT on VM CMS from IBM.  The
editor is called uniXEDIT and comes from Dynasoft Corporation out
of Rosemont,Illinois.

   Dynasoft Corporation
   6300 North River Road
   Rosemont, Illinois 60018

This editor is also very similar to the KEDIT product used in the
DOS PC world.

So far, uniXEDIT reads all of the files that VI will read.
The arrow keys also function to position within the file.

Commands can be given on command line as well as in a prefix
area on each line.

Terminal emulation is VT100.

There is also a product called uniREXX which comes from the same
company that can run with uniXEDIT to do additional file manipulation
and interact with the UNIX operating system like shell scripts.

If there is any further interest in this product and I can be of
assistance, feel free to contact me.

Del Disch

malc@unrvax.unr.edu (Malcolm L. Carlock) (06/06/90)

>In article <126716@infocenter.encore.com> ddisch@encore.com (Del Disch) writes:
> [interesting announcement about uniXEDIT, an XEDIT clone for Unix, deleted]
>Terminal emulation is VT100.

Is it possible to use other terminal types when using uniXEDIT?  Did
the writers of uniXEDIT use the Unix termcap or terminfo library routines
(directly, or via curses) for screen drawing, which would allow an
indefinitely large number of terminals to be used?  If not, why not?

Malcolm L. Carlock              Internet:  malc@unrvax.unr.edu
                                UUCP:      uunet!unrvax!malc

ddisch@encore.com (Del Disch) (06/07/90)

In article <4071@tahoe.unr.edu>, malc@unrvax.unr.edu (Malcolm L. Carlock) writes:
> Is it possible to use other terminal types when using uniXEDIT?  Did
> the writers of uniXEDIT use the Unix termcap or terminfo library routines
> (directly, or via curses) for screen drawing, which would allow an
> indefinitely large number of terminals to be used?  If not, why not?
I contacted the vendor and they do use curses for screen drawing.

Del Disch

zjat02@apctrc (Jon A. Tankersley) (06/08/90)

They did use termcap/terminfo.  They are supposedly working on an X11-based
version too.  I used UniXEDIT to find a bug in Sun's termcap implementation
using NeWS's default h19 terminal and UniXEDIT.

Currently runs on Sun, Apollo, Xenix, and a few others.
There is a companion UniREXX product that handles ReXX for UNIX.  It would
be a necessity to fully implement XEDIT.
#include <std/disclaimer.h>		/* nobody knows the trouble I .... */
tank@apctrc.trc.amoco.com    ..!uunet!apctrc!tank