[comp.editors] a few MicroEmacs 3.10 command procedures

jrl@images1.Waterloo.NCR.COM (john Latala) (08/23/90)

TIMESTAMPING buffer contents

A while ago I said I was looking for a way to put a date/time stamp into
the file I was editting using MicroEmacs (3.10 in this case). After a
bit of poking I came up with something that appears to be working.

The command procedure looks for the following two lines:

	Edit-Date: [Wed Aug 22 13:57:41 EDT 1990]
	Edit-Vers: [8]

The 'Edit-Date:' is just the date and time that the file was being
editted on and the 'Edit-Vers:' is just a number that gets incremented
each time the file is editted.

The command procedure will not insert these into the file if they're not
there and it won't do anything with a VIEW mode buffer.

The commands needed in your emacs.rc file are shown below:

-------------------- Start of emacs.rc fragment --------------------

... near the top of the emacs.rc file ...

;		Edit-Date: [Wed Aug 01 10:05:13 199]
;		Edit-Vers: [0]

... near the bottom of the emacs.rc file ...

;>>> EDITDATE.CMD - adjust the edit date and edit number
;	The edit date is the date that the file was last editted on. The
;	edit number is just an incrementing number that gets bumped whenever
;	the file is editted.
;	Formats of the edit date and edit number field are:
;		Edit-Date: [Wed Aug 01 10:05:13 199]
;		Edit-Vers: [0]
;	You should also put the two above lines at the top of your
;	emacs.rc file so that whenever you edit it they wlll get
;	updated!
22	store-macro
	write-message "[Checking if buffer is in VIEW mode]"
	!if &equal &band $cmode 16 0
		write-message "[Looking for Edit Date]"
		!force search-forward &cat "Edit-Date: " "["
		!if &seq $status TRUE
			0 set-mark
			search-forward "]"
			1 backward-character
			insert-string $time
		write-message "[Looking for Edit Version]"
		!force search-forward &cat "Edit-Vers: " "["
		!if &seq $status TRUE
			0 set-mark
			search-forward "]"
			1 backward-character
			insert-string &add $kill 1
set $writehook execute-macro-22
--------------------- End of emacs.rc fragment ---------------------

You can use any macro number that is convenient. There are a few nice
things about attaching this procedure to the $writehook:

	- If you're writing out a file you probably want it timestamped

	- if you're writing out a file it's probably 'dirty' anyway so
		making another change shouldn't mess things up to much.

	- if you do a <ESC>-Z only the 'dirty' buffers will be stamped
		just before they're written out.

One other thing to notice is the format of the two search commands that
are used:

		!force search-forward &cat "Edit-Date: " "["
		!force search-forward &cat "Edit-Vers: " "["

The '&cat "Edit-Vers: " "["' construct is used so that if this macro
is run on itself it will NOT change the two search commands!

Adding and Removing line numbers

Here are two procedures that will add or remove line numbers from the
current buffer.

I leave these in files and execute them using:

	<ESC>-X execute-file addln.cmd
	<ESC>-X execute-file removeln.cmd

The format of the inserted line numbers is:


where the first 'x' is actually in column 1. The line numbers are NOT
fixed width but the text lines up nicely because of the <TAB> character
at the end of the line number.

The removeln.cmd procedure actually searches for each ':<TAB>' and
removes everything from there back to the beginning of the current line.
This may wreak havoc if you do a removeln.cmd on an assembler source
without a matching previous addln.cmd being done (many assemblers use
the ':' to delimit labels!).

-------------------- Start of addln.cmd --------------------
;>>> ADDLN.CMD - add line numbers to the current buffer
	set %lines $curline
	set %line 1
	!while &less %line %lines
		insert-string %line
		insert-string ":	"
		set %line &add %line 1
--------------------- End of addln.cmd ---------------------

-------------------- Start of removeln.cmd --------------------
;>>> REMOVELN.CMD - remove line numbers from the current buffer
	set %lines $curline
	set %line 1
	!while &less %line %lines
		search-forward ":	"
		set %line &add %line 1
--------------------- End of removeln.cmd ---------------------

Continuous LINE/COL display

A few people here use this to keep the line/col displayed on the screen.
It slows the editor up something fierce but in some cases it does prove

-------------------- Start of linecol.cmd --------------------
;>>> DEFINE: Display line and column macro
30	store-macro
	write-message &cat &cat &cat "Line: " $curline "  Col: " $curcol
set $cmdhook execute-macro-30
--------------------- End of linecol.cmd ---------------------

Somebody said that you could actually save the old line/column and only
display the new ones if they've changed. I'm not sure whether it's worth
the effort.


* Depending on the complexity of your emacs.rc file you may have to change
  the macro numbers used by some of the above routines when they define

* Do what you want with these things.

* If you come across any bugs or weirdnesses I would like to know about
