[comp.editors] MS Word 5.0 & DOS 4.01 - ?any problems?

6600phnx@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Phoenix / Fig) (10/21/90)

I'm having a small trouble with Word and I'm not exactly sure what is
causing it, but I thought I might throw the problem out and see if
anyone else has experienced it.  Every once in a while I will be running
word and I will get a message something akin to - Error accessing file
d:\edit\msword\word.exe, press Y to retry.  Fortunatly Every time I
press y the program finds the program and continues fine.  The only
thing I can think of is that DOS 4.01 and it's extended file system is
getting in the way, but of course Microsoft wouldn't cause problems
within themselves now would they ??!??.  Ok, I don't know what's wrong,
I'm running a 386SX with 2Megs and Windows 3.0 version of HiMem and
 I also being nice and obeying the messages of DOS 4.01 and running Share.

So, anyone else have similar occurances ..., BTW I'm also running a
Logitech Mouse driver, and 4DOS.

 ..Mike Figueroa..........................        _______________________
 . 6600phnx@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu  (Internet) .       /        //     /
 .         @ucsbuxa.bitnet    (Bitnet)   .      /----    //     /   __
 .........................................     /        //     /     / 
   "Vila weights 73 kilos . . ."              /      ------    ------