[comp.editors] vi command table

tarsa@abyss.zk3.dec.com (Greg Tarsa) (10/24/90)

What follows is not a "minimum command set", but a one page table that contains
more than 175 vi commands in an easy to handle format.

This table uses the fact that many vi editing commands are orthogonal with
the cursor movement commands.  That is, 'h' moves to the left, 'dh' deletes
to the left.  '/string' moves to the 1st occurrance of 'string', 'd/string'
deletes to the 1st occurrance of 'string', etc.

The table can be drastically reduced to cover a minimum set of vi commands.
When I first learned vi, the table reduced the ramp up time to about 15

Hope this is of some use.  The table appears between formfeed characters.


				Vi Reference Chart
  Actions -->	    d       c       y       !       <       >
  O	h or l	|	+	+	+   no	+   no	+   no	+
  b	    ----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
  j	j or k	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
  e	    ----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
  c	0 or ^	|	|	|	|   no	|   no	|   no	|
  t	    ----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
  s	$	|	|	|	|   no	|   no	|   no	|
  |	    ----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
  |	w or e	|	|	|	|   no	|   no	|   no	|
  V	    ----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
	b	|	|	|	|   no	|   no	|   no	|
	f or F	|	|	|	|   no	|   no	|   no	|
	t or T	|	|	|	|   no	|   no	|   no	|
	<#>|	|	|	|	|   no	|   no	|   no	|
	H M L	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	/<pat>	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	?<pat>	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	<#>G   	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
 	%	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	) or (	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	} or {	|	|	|	|	|	|	|
	]] or [[|	|	|	|	|	|	|
		    d       c       y       !       <       >
  Action key:
	d - delete	s - substitute	! - filter	y - yank
	c - change	> - shift right	< - shift left
  Object key:
	h - left char	l - right char	      j - down line   k - up line
	0 - line start	$ - line end	      ^ - first non-white space
	w - forw word	b - back word	      e - end of word
	/ - srch forw	? - srch back	   <#>G - move to line #
	H - home scrn	M - middle scrn	      L - to last scrn line
	( - sent. start	) - sent. end	   f<c> - forw to <c> (incl)
	{ - para start	} - para end	   F<c> - back to <c> (incl)
	[[- sect start	]]- sect end	   t<c> - forw to <c> (non-incl)
	% - match bracket		   T<c> - back to <c> (non-incl)
     <#>| - col <#>  <#>G - move to line #

These vi commands are of the form:	<action>[object]

Tarsa Software Consulting
		33 Seabee Street
		Bedford, NH 03102	tarsa@elijah.mv.com
		(603)668-9226		{decuac,decvax}!elijah!tarsa