[comp.editors] EDITOR HISTORY

dh130@cs.city.ac.uk (Andrew Thompson) (11/02/90)

I am currently researching information on the history of the
following text editors:

	text (sun)

I would appreciate any help or information on the above editors,
mostly historical data is needed. Such as who wrote it, why, where 
are they?, any improvements, the future, the past, or anything else
of that sort.

Recommended source of text information is also required.

Many thanks in advance.

Andrew Thompson.


dh130@cs.city.ac.uk (Andrew Thompson) (11/06/90)

I am researching the history of unix editors and am looking for a
magazine article.
I have tried my Uni library but to no avail. Could anyone please help me?
I require:

The interview of Bill Joy about vi to be found in 

August 1984 Unix Review Magazine.

Many thanks in advance.

Andrew Thompson,
City University,
Northampton Square,
London EC1,