[comp.editors] Using a mouse/trackball with elvis/stevie/vi

wagner@hatteras.cs.unc.edu (11/09/90)

I have been using vi clones on my AT, at home for a while
now, and love them.  I just got elvis, and that seems to be
as good as stevie, which I've used for a year or so, plus,
it seems to be able to deal with larger files.  

I do have a question.  I recently bought a Logitech "Trackman"
for use with another program (Turbo C++), and I've been playing
around with using it in elvis.  Right now, rolling the ball
to the right or the left types l's or h's, and rolling it up
or down types k's or j's; the left button types an i, the
button types an x, and the right button is ESC.  That
was my first go at adapting the trackball/mouse to elvis.
Has anyone else attempted to mouseify elvis or one of the
other vi clones?  With three buttons, there are 8 possible
combinations I could use-- I just can't figure out what else
is useful.  Any ideas?

I'd also like to know how difficult it would be to try to 
use elvis inside of TC's compiler, if it's even possible.
I need to RTFM, but there's nothing quite like hearing
from someone who's done it...

Mike Wagner