[comp.editors] macro space in vi

s887212@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (Stephen Riehm [Romulis]) (02/07/91)

I have been using macros for a while now and have built up quite a
collection. So much so that I have now created .cxrc and .wxrc files to
compliment my .exrc as I cant have all the macros in use at once due to a
lack of space in vi.

My question is : Is there a way to increase this space (possibly by
sacrificing buffer space or something ?) ?
secondly is there a way to completely CLEAR the space used for storing
macro text? I have noticed that sourcing the same set of macros a second or
third time will result in an overflow.. even though no new macros are being
created. (:unmap all ?   <-- dont tell me this doesn't work.. I KNOW it
doesn't! :-)
at least this way I could create a macro to clear the memory and load in
the next appropriate macro set :-)

many thanx in advance

S.Riehm [Romulis] sold out to pay the rent :-(
thanx in advance
Romulis [Stephen Riehm]	            Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
					       (124 Latrobe St., Melbourne.)