[comp.editors] MicroEMACS 3.11 BETA version availible for testing

dan@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu (Daniel Lawrence) (03/26/91)

	MicroEMACS version 3.11 is ready for BETA testing. It is
available via anonymous FTP from midas.mgmt.purdue.edu (which is also
called zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu) in the dist/uemacs311BETA directory
outside the hours of 8am to 5pm on EST on weekdays, or from my BBS
listed in my signiture below.

	Please test and abuse this version so that we may find bugs or
problems BEFORE the final release of 3.11 in the first week of may.
Also, I am looking for a volenteer to translate the message file into
japanese for the new versions for the Fujitsu FMR, the Nec 9800 and the
IBM-5550h PC.

----------------------Files in this release---------------------------

read.me		Release Notes

ue311c.arc	C Source Files
ue311h.arc	Header files
ue311mak.arc	Various makefiles
ue311doc.arc	Documentation files
ue311cmd.arc	Command files

meibm.exe	IBM-PC executable
me520.arc	Atari-ST executable

			Daniel Lawrence  voice: (317) 742-5153
					  arpa:	dan@midas.mgmt.purdue.edu
				The Programmer's Room 
				Fido: 1:201/10 - (317) 742-5533