ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (03/30/91)
Sat 30-Mar-91: I have just updated my screen oriented spelling checker /pc/ts/tspell##.arc (## = 24 at the time of writing this) which displays a text file highlighting the mis-spelled words. Having lately used much also a Unix spell, which instead gives an alphabetical list of the mis-spelled words, I wanted a similar utility for MsDos. So, as usual, I decided to write one myself. Naturally I called it spell.exe and it is available as /pc/ts/tschek10.arc. Its contents: TSCHEK10.ARC Unix-like spell by Timo Salmi Filename Comment -------- -------------------------------- SPELL.EXE Unix-like spelling checker SPELLED3.DNY Dictionary SPL.BAT A simple batch to drive spell TSCHEK.NWS News announcements about tschek TSPROG.INF List of PD programs from T.Salmi VAASA.INF Info: Finland, Vaasa, U of Vaasa ---- ------ ------ ----- The usage is: SPELL DictionaryFile InputFile [OutputFile]. Spell lists in alphabetical order all the words of the input file which it cannot find in the dictionary file. The checking is automatically done in lower case so the system is case-independent. All words longer than 25 characters are truncated. If you omit the OutputFile, the output comes to the screen and can be redirected (e.g. through more or list). If you use your own, larger dictionary, it must be in a lower case and in a strict alphabetical order. The ability to use your own dictionary means that you can use spell.exe also for languages other than English. There is a very simple batch spl.bat to call spell. Configure it to suit your own paths. Using a batch is convenient, since then you don't have to type the name of the dictionary each time. If you have several dictionaries, you might even have a batch for each one. The list command used in the batch is refers to list75f.zip, that is Vernon Buerg's well-known list program. If you don't have it, replace list /s simply with MsDos more command (or whatever browser you have at your disposal). The maximum number of _different_ words that spell.exe can handle is 8000. This practically means an unlimited size, since it is extremely rare that a normal text has such a number of different words. (Checking another dictionary with spell.exe is the only case I can think of where the limitation would become effective in actual practice). The size of the dictionary for a registered version is unlimited. For the distributed PD version the maximum dictionary size is 20000 words. The rules of usage are: This package may be used and distributed freely for NON-COMMERCIAL, NON-INSTITUTIONAL, PRIVATE purposes, provided it is not changed in any way. (Repacking with another method, such as pkzip, is ok, though.) For ANY other usage, such as use in a business enterprise or a university, contact the author for registration. Uploading to bulletin boards is encouraged. Please do not distribute any part of this package separately. The wares are available by anonymous ftp from garbo.uwasa.fi, Vaasa, Finland,, or by using our mail server (use the latter if, and only if you don't have anonymous ftp). If you are not familiar with anonymous ftp or mail servers, I am prepared to send prerecorded instructions on request. (If you don't get the instructions from me within a few days, it will mean that your email address cannot be reached by a simple email reply. Contact your system manager for devicing a proper mail path for you, because unless you do, you wouldn't be able to utilize the mail server anyway. If you are in North America first consider using an ftp site near you to spare the overseas load.) ................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun