[comp.editors] One user's editor wish list

lewis@bnrmtl.bnr.ca (Pierre Lewis) (02/22/91)

I've come across and used quite a few different editors in my 15+ years in
the business: starting with keypunches, edlin style editor on real TTYs
(PDP-8), many full-screen editors (vi, SPF, XEDIT, PE2, Brief, Turbo C's,
EVE, and other proprietary editors), and a few word-processor (WP5.0,

I find discussions on editors in general very interesting (comp.editors is one
of the few newsgroups I regularly read).  I've been wanting to organize my
thoughts on the topic for a while and finally did it.  Here's what came out --
hopefully will be of some interest, esp. to those who are developing editors.
Of course it's one person's opinion, and it seems to be a minority opinion.


But first a word on vi.

Vi is not my favorite editor (-: stands for VeryIrritating, doesn't it? :-).
But there is one VERY GOOD THING about it: it's universally available on all
Unix systems (and then some) and works on practically any terminal.  Because
of this, anyone using Unix professionally should certainly be sufficiently
familiar with this editor to do useful work.  But for most of my work, I
prefer something else!

And I agree it's a powerful editor that anyone can get used to without too
much work (at least for a minimum subset).  But I think it is also lacking in
some important features such as the ability to edit multiple files at the
same time (and copy stuff between them).  And personally, I don't like its
user interface, esp. the modal functioning.

The first time I came in contact with Unix and C was at an introductory
course on above topics.  We had the choice between vi and emacs and frankly I
don't think either editor is very intuitive and will let one be comfortable
in two or three days.  For such a course, something simpler would be needed.

Vi may well be the preferred editor of some people (and that's fine), but the
number of requests in comp.editors for a simple editor on Unix indicates (I
think) that vi is not the ideal solution.  I haven't seen such a request for
DOS yet, surely because there is no lack of good editors here including
simple ones in this environment (e.g. even IE that came with my PS/2 is very
simple and yet quite sufficient to edit CONFIG.SYS, etc).

Maybe that some of my criticism about vi is unjustified and is due to my lack
of knowing how to use it properly.


The following summarizes what I think the interface and functions of a text
editor should be like.  A text editor is the tool a software developer spends
a good portion of his/her time working with (for program development of
course, but also for e-mail and simple documentation).  Does not apply to a
word processor.  Of course it's my preference and there will never be one
single editor for everybody.

1) Display should be WYSIWYG.  This means (to me!):

   a) Strict window on file: just as it is in general not possible to see all
      lines of a file, I also don't need to see all columns.  I don't like
      editors that wrap lines.  For two reasons:

      - 1st, it can hide the indententation of a fragment of program.  For
        example, the following bit of C code

          |  if (gPcvcb->vcol + gPcvcb->rccol > gCurlgt - tlgt)
          |  {
          |    gCurlgt = gPcvcb->vcol + gPcvcb->rccol + tlgt;
          |    if (gCurlgt > LSZ)
          |    {
          |      gCurlgt = -1;
          |      return FALSE;
          |    }
          |  }

        becomes in a small window

          |  if (gPcvcb->vcol + gPcvcb->rcc|
          |ol > gCurlgt - tlgt)            |
          |  {                             |
          |    gCurlgt = gPcvcb->vcol + gPc|
          |vcb->rccol + tlgt;              |
          |    if (gCurlgt > LSZ)          |
          |    {                           |
          |      gCurlgt = -1;             |
          |      return FALSE;             |

        Structure is now harder to read, and (and two extra horizontal lines
        are needed so we see less of the structure).

      - 2nd, it often misleads writers into thinking their text is OK when
        in fact it isn't (I've seen that often in e-mail).  For example, they

           Strict window on file: just as it
           is in general not possible to see
           all lines of a file, I also don't
           need to see all columns.  I don't
           like editors that wrap lines.  For
           two reasons:

        But their file is in fact...

           Strict window on file: just as it          (unintentional long line
           is in general not possible to see
           all lines of a file, I also don't need to see all columns.  I don't
           like editors that wrap lines.  For
           two reasons:

        I just saw exactly such an example in a comp.editors article!  One
        could detect this with careful observation of cursor behaviour, or by
        resizing the window.  But otherwise it's not obvious.  What the
        writer is going to get when he/she saves his/her work isn't what
        he/she sees.

      What I prefer is an editor that shows what it can of a given line and
      of course allows one to scroll right (and left) just as one can scroll
      down (and up).  Optionally, it can signal long lines thru a special
      char (e.g. "!") at the end of the displayed portion of the line.  With
      such an editor, if one unintentionally writes a long line, the editor
      will somehow (e.g. by scrolling horizontally) tell him.

   b) Editor automatically strips trailing blanks (they can't be seen so they
      should not exist).  I remember one colleague wasting hours trying to
      understand why his few-line macro wouldn't work.

         #define etrace(msg) \
             if(stdtrace) fprintf(stdtrace, "%s %d (%d):  %s\n", \
             __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)(time(0)%300L), msg)

      The reason, it turned out, was that his favorite editor left a trailing
      blank (which he, of course, had accidently typed) following one of the
      "\" with the result that it no longer meant continuation.  I don't know
      of any application where trailing blanks are useful (and then there's
      always vi).  Granted, an editor that strips trailing blanks can't edit
      some uuencoded files.  But I've done that once in 3 years (with vi).

   c) Tabs are expanded, again because they're invisible.  In addition tabs
      tend to be a nuisance since people attach different values to them and
      because they are sometimes used to compress file transmission (e.g.
      PROCOMM I think).  But tabs are a necessity at least in makefiles and
      some way of keeping them is of course needed.  When I look at tabs in
      source code (my editor shows them if I want to keep them), I invariably
      see inconsistant usage (some lines with, some without); what's the use?

      I prefer to use tabs for positioning (as in PE2 and XEDIT), not to
      insert data.

   d) Non-modal.  The main reason is I can't tell from looking at the display
      what mode I'm in and I guess I have a poor memory (and, in vi, keep
      forgetting to hit ESC).  WYS does not tell you what mode you're in.

   In addition, another thing I want (and which frustrates me no end on vi)
   is total freedom of movement in the window and automatic scrolling when
   cursor hits a border.  If the cursor is in some position in my window on
   the file (say at the end of a long line) and I hit cursor down, I want the
   cursor to move DOWN, not SIDEWAYS!  The fact that the next line is shorter
   shouldn't be an excuse.  If I now enter a character at that position, it's
   up to the editor to extend the line (with blanks I guess).  Note that this
   implies that trailing blanks are removed and that tabs are expanded.  This
   way I can add asterisks on the right of a comment block simply by typing
   "* Down Left * Down Left * ..." instead of having to tab to it from the
   ragged ends of my text for each line.  Another advantage of not moving
   sideways is that you can use the cursor to "remember" a column position as
   you scroll down or up.

   On the display, I like a status line and expect a command line.

2) Editing keys

   This is a controversial topic.  Clearly WP5.0 style is far from ideal (too
   many combinations, impossible to remember).

   What I prefer (although I recognize it limits range of terminals) is
   keypad for general positioning (page down/up, next file, insert/replace
   mode) and c-keys (or alt keys on a PC) for editing (c-y for yank, c-r for
   repeat line, c-x for delete &c).  Use of a keypad is typical of VAX/VMS
   editors (EDT, EVE) for example.  I see two user modes when using an editor,
   browse mode (looking for stuff) and edit mode.  I like to associate browse
   functions to keypad, editing ones to keyboard.  And I don't mind moving my
   hand a few centimeters when switching modes.  A definite plus however is
   for the editor to be able to function without a keypad (even if it's less

3) Essential features:

   - EASY TO LEARN and as INTUITIVE as possible.  An editor that comes with
     300 pages of documentation is NOT easy to learn.  SMALL is beautiful
     also applies (i.e. you shouldn't need one meg to edit an hello-world

   - Basic features: insert/edit, intelligent split/join, search/replace,
     delete lines, yank lines and the like.  Autoindenting of new lines.
     Support for non-printing characters (such as FFs, ESCs, TABs if kept)
     that may be in file.

   - Multiple (at least 2!) files simultaneously with of course possibility
     to move stuff from one to another.  Typically organized in a ring.
     Should be able to name multiple files on command line, e.g.  ed *.c.

   - Block operations (moving groups of lines for example).  PE2's block
     operations are really good (blocks can be lines, streams, rectangles).

   - Undo or (at a minimum) recover facility.

   - Protection against destructive writes.  For example, vi allows the
     following:  user1 and user2 are both editing the same file.  User1
     saves his work and then user2 saves his work thereby destroying
     user1's work (this latter save should be refused because the file is
     no longer the same as when it was read in).

4) Very useful features:

   - Multiple (at least 2) views simultaneously of same/different files.

   - Access to system (shell) without quitting editor.  In particular,
     possibility to pipe the output of a command into the editor (in a new
     "file", e.g. <ls -l), or to pipe the current file into a command (e.g.
     >diff - orig.file).  Or even both together, to filter a file.  Maybe
     this belongs in the previous section (at least in part).

   - Autosave or some other mechanism to prevent complete loss of a session
     on power failure.

   - RE searching: at the risk of shocking a lot of readers, I'll say that I
     don't find this very useful (except in ed scripts and the like).  The
     reasons are
     - the meta-characters are not intuitive,
     - I usually know what I'm looking for (typically names),
     - the characters used in REs are also used in C programs with the result
       that the search is often not what I expected.

     Why not  "s/string/" for simple search, "rs/string" for RE-search or
     something like that?

   - Right/left shift of groups of lines as when adding an if statement around
     a bit of code.

   - Marks (e.g. to quickly return to a given spot), direct line addressing.

   - Macros.  Or learn mode.

   - A minimum of WP features: word wrap and paragraph reflow are very
     useful (as in PE2), particularly for e-mail.  I'd even add spell
     checking to the nice-to-have features.

   - Adjustable window size (for xterms).

5) Nice-to-have features:

   - Hex editing/viewing.  The viewing is the more useful of the two.

   - Line exclusion (possibility to exclude a group of lines from being
     displayed - useful to better see a complex structure, e.g. by hiding
     uninteresting code that clutters a switch statement).

   - Sort feature.  First met this on CMS's XEDIT and find it very useful
     in all sorts of situations (not only for acronym lists).

   - Many people would name redefinable keys as a worthwhile feature.  I
     find it's more of a nuisance than fixed definitions.  It means that
     when you go help a colleague you're not going to be comfortable editing
     under his/her account because the keys now mean different things.
     You might even do damage under some conditions e.g. if one key that you
     use for something trivial causes the whole file to be reflowed.

6) Other observations

   - In general (but not for word processors), I prefer an editor that is
     line-oriented as opposed to character-oriented.  E.g. in such an editor
     you can't join two lines by deleting the CR between them but you do it
     thru a special function key.  Or you can yank a group of lines without
     having to be in the first column of the lines.  The reason is that most
     programming I've done/seen is basically line-oriented.  You move groups
     of lines around, not groups of characters.  One counterexample: block
     operations in Turbo C are only character-oriented (stream).

   - I don't personally like an editor that jumps around to show me ()
     matching and the like.  If it's available, I want to be able to turn it
     off.  I tend to write the two together and then insert within.

   - Guess-typing by the editor (I seem to have heard of that at one point)
     would drive me insane because it would force me to continuously control
     what's going on.

   - Integrated environments (e.g. Turbo C, Saber-C).  In all cases, I would
     like to have the choice of installing my own editor.  Otherwise I am
     forced to learn yet another editor (and not typically one I'm comfortable

On PCs, one editor stands out that is very close to above requirements.  It's
PE2 (discussed recently in this news group).  And on CMS there is XEDIT
which, given the unusual environment under which it works, is also very good.
But on Unix (my usual environment), I didn't find anything that came close.

So, rather than complain, I thought it would be fun to write my own, and this
turned out to be a fascinating exercise.  And the gain in productivity was
well worth the effort (a few hundred hours for about 6 klocs).  Of all the
features I put in it that I don't find in vi, the most time-saving are
paragraph reflow (for e-mail and doc) and multiple files.  And the big
advantage is that you can port your editor to whatever environment you work
on (e.g. in my case a few Unixes and VAX/VMS).  But I don't pretend or even
think it could ever replace vi.  For one thing, it's limited to vt100s (and
emulations thereof such as xterm), and it's probably a bit too customized to
to one specific user (although a few others actually use it).  It's called
"led" (as in Let's Edit Differently).

Pierre LEWIS
Internet:            bnrmtl!lewis@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU
Alternate Internet:  piotr@pmc.umontreal.ca         (in case all else fails)

P.S. - The ideas above are mine.  My work does not involve writing editors
(although that would surely be fascinating), but OSI.

peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) (02/23/91)

Whether an editor should wrap lines is a matter of taste, and de gustibus non
est disputandum (the windy bus is not arguing). I like wrapped lines because
I don't like the editor hiding things from me. Other people don't. An ideal
editor allows this to be an option changeable at a moment's notice.

Stripping trailing blanks, turning tabs into spaces, and so on... that should
again be an option. I don't like an editor making changes to the body of my
file without my consent. Other people could care less about the purity of the
bits. One useful feature of the old Wang WP systems was that all spaces, tabs,
and so on were visible. Perhaps this should be part of the word processing
mode (yes, mode).

I like modal editors, because I like to keep my fingers on the keyboard, so
function keys are useless to me. (aside, one reason I like Microsoft Windows
user interface, for all its obscene cruft, is that it doesn't force me to use
a mouse). If some sort of alt key were standardised this would be less of a
problem, though this leads to I18N confusion when ALT becomes overloaded with
diacriticals and the like.

This gets into editing keys. I don't use them. When using an editor that
requires them I find they break my concentration. They should be optional.
Ideally the whole keyboard should be bindable, but one of the default bindings
should put all the commands under my fingers. This would avoid the "other
guy's macros" problem.

When browsing, I prefer to use a mouse. When editing, the keyboard. Function
keys and keypads are at best a poor compromise. But don't keep people from
using them!

Speaking of which, key bindings, macros, and the like MUST MUST MUST be in
plain text files I can edit. This goes for all other setup files for other
programs as well.

Moving beyond the end of a line... again, a matter of taste. Some people think
of a file as a plane, others as a stream. If you're a stream person putting
characters where there is no line causes instant cognitive dissonance.

Some people think boxes of stars for comments are the greatest thing since
sliced bread. I just think of what a pain they cause for programs that want
to extract information from comments, and reformatters.

If you really want to do this, I'd say implement column editing as well so
you can insert your pretty text box with "* return * return * return ..."
Block operations are a subset of column operations. You should also be able
to have sticky columns, where inserting a line inserts it outside the
currently active editing region.

Note that VI does remember the column position, and puts you back in the
right place when you get to a longer line again.

On the display, I expect as much text as will fit... at least on a terminal.
If I can't get close to 24 by 80 I get cranky.

Things like showmatch are nice, but an implementation where it highlighted
the matching character would tend to be more useful. Perhaps make this one
of the "select" modes.
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter@ferranti.com
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

jch@dyfed.rdg.dec.com (John Haxby) (03/04/91)

In article <13O9MVA@xds13.ferranti.com>, peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

|> I like modal editors, because I like to keep my fingers on the keyboard, so
|> function keys are useless to me.

This doesn't follow.  Non-modal editors can behave quite well without using
function keys.  Unless, of course, you regard the CTRL or ALT or META keys
as being off the main keyboard--or you just don't like holding down a key
while you type something else (in which case, one could assume, use use
CAPS or SHIFT lock a lot :-)
John Haxby, Definitively Wrong.
Digital				<jch@wessex.rdg.dec.com>
Reading, England		<...!ukc!wessex!jch>

einari@rhi.hi.is (Einar Indridason) (03/04/91)

In article <13O9MVA@xds13.ferranti.com> peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>Speaking of which, key bindings, macros, and the like MUST MUST MUST be in
>plain text files I can edit. This goes for all other setup files for other
>programs as well.

AND the editor is NOT to MASK the 8th bit.  The editor **SHOULD** leave
the 8th bit **ALONE**.

(otherwise, the programmer might be wanted dead or alive here in Iceland,
preferably dead.)

Internet:    einari@rhi.hi.is        |   "Just give me my command line and drag
UUCP:    ..!mcsun!isgate!rhi!einari  |   the GUIs to the waste basket!!!!"

Surgeon Generals warning:  Masking the 8th bit can seriously damage your brain!!

mayoff@cs.utexas.edu (Robert Mayoff) (03/05/91)

In article <1991Mar4.085038.4092@hollie.rdg.dec.com> jch@dyfed.rdg.dec.com (John Haxby) writes:
>In article <13O9MVA@xds13.ferranti.com>, peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>|> I like modal editors, because I like to keep my fingers on the keyboard, so
>|> function keys are useless to me.
>This doesn't follow.  Non-modal editors can behave quite well without using
>function keys.  Unless, of course, you regard the CTRL or ALT or META keys
>as being off the main keyboard--or you just don't like holding down a key
>while you type something else

While I regard CTRL, ALT, and META as being part of the keyboard, I have two
problems with using them for command sequences.  One is that ALT and META are
non-standard - not all terminals have them, and those that do handle them in
different ways.  ESC can be used instead; however, you can't use ESC like a
normal shift/control key, because it sends its ASCII sequence once - i.e., you
can't send ESCxESCc by holding down ESC and pressing xc.  You must press the
ESC key twice.

My main problem, though, with non-modal editors (emacs in specific) is that, as
oyu said, I just don't like holding down a key while I type something else.  If
I need to perform several editing commands without any interspersed text entry,
I don't want to have to press ESC, META, ALT, or CONTROL for every command (or
several times per command, as is oft the case with emacs).  That's why I like
vi - the most useful editing commands are a single keystroke, with no extra
modifier keys.  Hitting ESC to get into command mode and pressing one of
"acios" to get back into insert mode, is, in my estimation, more
keystroke-efficient than pressing ctrl or meta (or both) for every editing
/_  rob		<mayoff@cs.utexas.edu>
 /_ Fun things to do with UNIX (#2 in a series):
  / echo "rsh `hostname` -n source eat.cpu &" > eat.cpu; source eat.cpu

peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) (03/06/91)

In article <1991Mar4.085038.4092@hollie.rdg.dec.com> jch@dyfed.rdg.dec.com (John Haxby) writes:
> In article <13O9MVA@xds13.ferranti.com>, peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
> |> I like modal editors, because I like to keep my fingers on the keyboard, so
> |> function keys are useless to me.

> This doesn't follow.  Non-modal editors can behave quite well without using
> function keys.

Not on normal terminals. At least, I haven't found one that satisfied me.

> Unless, of course, you regard the CTRL or ALT or META keys
> as being off the main keyboard

Well, control keys are a pretty limited selection unless supplemented by
function keys, or unless you get into lots of multi-character sequences.
DEC's EDT is an example of the first solution, and Emacs on standard terminals
an example of the second.

And most keyboards don't support ALT or META keys.

> --or you just don't like holding down a key
> while you type something else (in which case, one could assume, use use
> CAPS or SHIFT lock a lot :-)

You could always think of "ESC" as being "meta-lock" in vi.
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter@ferranti.com
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

xiaoy@ecf.toronto.edu (XIAO Yan) (03/06/91)

>While I regard CTRL, ALT, and META as being part of the keyboard, I have two
>problems with using them for command sequences.  One is that ALT and META are
>non-standard - not all terminals have them, and those that do handle them in
>different ways.  ESC can be used instead; however, you can't use ESC like a
>normal shift/control key, because it sends its ASCII sequence once - i.e., you
>can't send ESCxESCc by holding down ESC and pressing xc.  You must press the
>ESC key twice.
>My main problem, though, with non-modal editors (emacs in specific) is that, as
>oyu said, I just don't like holding down a key while I type something else.  If
>I need to perform several editing commands without any interspersed text entry,
>I don't want to have to press ESC, META, ALT, or CONTROL for every command (or
>several times per command, as is oft the case with emacs).  That's why I like
>vi - the most useful editing commands are a single keystroke, with no extra
>modifier keys.  Hitting ESC to get into command mode and pressing one of
>"acios" to get back into insert mode, is, in my estimation, more
>keystroke-efficient than pressing ctrl or meta (or both) for every editing

As one of vi-lover, I would see someday that mouse can be added in to 
perform some task, like cut/paste.  Maybe this is too hardware-specific.
Of course I am not working with console all the time, but sometimes when
you are with console....


lewis@bnrmtl.bnr.ca (Pierre Lewis) (03/12/91)

I got quite a few replies to my original post.  Here are a few followup points.

a) vi supports multiple files

   A few wrote saying that vi does support multiple files.  Well, in a way,
   it's true, but it's not quite what I mean.  I think I would say that vi
   supports sequential editing of files (with a rewind possibility (:rew)).
   At any one point, only one file is in memory.  Except for the possibility
   of copying stuff from one file to the next, I see little difference
      vi eins zwei drei
      vi eins ; vi zwei ; vi drei

   What I mean for example is, as I edit say some.c, I go for a minute to
   project.h to add some #define and then come back to some.c in the same
   spot (the editor of course remembers where one was).

b) other editors

   Many people wrote about other editors, especially emacs which in fact can
   be made to behave much like I want.  But this takes quite a bit of initial
   work to learn to set it up properly.  We have it here, many people use it,
   I've tried it, but I find it's too heavy.  Other editors were mentioned
   (JOVE, mined, ...) that I don't know about, in addition to KEDIT (which I
   do know about and forgot to mention - it combines the best of PE2 and
   IBM's XEDIT in one editor).

c) writing your own editor

   What prompted me to write my own editor was an interesting article by
   Dorian P. Yeager, "Customize Your Text Editor" in Computer Language,
   March 1987.  Some points he makes is that you can then have basically the
   same editor in all your environments and port your editor as a way to
   learn a new system (that's exactly what I did when I had to work on
   VAX/VMS recently: I first ported my editor; the painful part was learning
   EVE for the bootstrap).

Otherwise, some people agreed with my preferences, others didn't, which goes
to show that no single editor will ever fill the bill for everyone!  And that's
fine so!

Pierre LEWIS
Internet:            bnrmtl!lewis@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU
Alternate Internet:  piotr@pmc.umontreal.ca         (in case all else fails)

P.S.  I'll try (in the next few days - I was away from the office) to reply
to everyone who sent me e-mail directly, otherwise e-mail problems (in or
out) will be the probable cause.

tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) (03/12/91)

From the keyboard of bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu:
:I got quite a few replies to my original post.  Here are a few followup points.
:a) vi supports multiple files
:   A few wrote saying that vi does support multiple files.  Well, in a way,
:   it's true, but it's not quite what I mean.  I think I would say that vi
:   supports sequential editing of files (with a rewind possibility (:rew)).
:   At any one point, only one file is in memory.  Except for the possibility
:   of copying stuff from one file to the next, I see little difference
:   between
:      vi eins zwei drei
:   and
:      vi eins ; vi zwei ; vi drei

No, you lose buffer information in the 2nd method, so it's not the same.

:   What I mean for example is, as I edit say some.c, I go for a minute to
:   project.h to add some #define and then come back to some.c in the same
:   spot (the editor of course remembers where one was).

If you use switch between % and # with control-^, vi of course
remembers where you were.  


peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) (03/12/91)

In article <1991Mar11.163554.21156@scrumpy@.bnr.ca> bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu writes:
>    A few wrote saying that vi does support multiple files.  Well, in a way,
>    it's true, but it's not quite what I mean. ...

It's not as nice as emacs, but it's really a useful ability. Of course, until
you've used an editor that doesn't let you easily switch between files (say,
for example, EDT on VMS) you really can't appreciate it.

(I once freaked out a DEC user simply by doing a shell-escape in an "ed" clone
 I was writing on RSX-11. It's amazing the things you get used to in UNIX that
 just don't work elsewhere.)

>    What I mean for example is, as I edit say some.c, I go for a minute to
>    project.h to add some #define and then come back to some.c in the same
>    spot (the editor of course remembers where one was).

VI does this. I do this all the time.
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter@ferranti.com
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

meissner@osf.org (Michael Meissner) (03/13/91)

In article <1991Mar11.192122.18883@convex.com> tchrist@convex.COM (Tom
Christiansen) writes:

| From the keyboard of bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu:
| :I got quite a few replies to my original post.  Here are a few followup points.
| :
| :a) vi supports multiple files
| :
| :   A few wrote saying that vi does support multiple files.  Well, in a way,
| :   it's true, but it's not quite what I mean.  I think I would say that vi
| :   supports sequential editing of files (with a rewind possibility (:rew)).
| :   At any one point, only one file is in memory.  Except for the possibility
| :   of copying stuff from one file to the next, I see little difference
| :   between
| :      vi eins zwei drei
| :   and
| :      vi eins ; vi zwei ; vi drei
| No, you lose buffer information in the 2nd method, so it's not the same.

However, vi only gives you one alternate file, so if you have more
than 2 files, you lose.
Michael Meissner	email: meissner@osf.org		phone: 617-621-8861
Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142

Considering the flames and intolerance, shouldn't USENET be spelled ABUSENET?

xiaoy@ecf.toronto.edu (XIAO Yan) (03/13/91)

In article <MEISSNER.91Mar12115840@curley.osf.org> meissner@osf.org (Michael Meissner) writes:
(lines deleted...)
>However, vi only gives you one alternate file, so if you have more
>than 2 files, you lose.

(lines deleted...)

	Are you serious? 
	Or are you using some pecular programme calling itself vi?
	Or you are insulting our intelligence!!


tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) (03/13/91)

From the keyboard of meissner@osf.org (Michael Meissner):
:However, vi only gives you one alternate file, so if you have more
:than 2 files, you lose.

Well, all your buffers stick around.  It's only the line/char position
information on the alternate file that is lost.  You also keep around
things like last search pattern, last substitution, last text inserted,
etc, all of which can be quite handy.


Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM (03/13/91)

>>>>> On 12 Mar 91 23:09:24 GMT, leech@vangogh.cs.unc.edu (Jonathan
>>>>> Leech) said:

J>     Probably the nicest thing about VMS I encountered was that it
J> detached and preserved jobs - including editor sessions - when the
J> network connection dropped.

With Oliver Laumann's "screen" program [from comp.sources.unix
archives, FTPable from e.g., uunet.uu.net] with my up to 10 windows I
can reconnect after a hang up, or disconnect, walk to a groovier
office, then reconnect.  Cursor stays just where it was, etc.
[Compiles on Sun/BSD.]
Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM  Naperville IL USA  +1 708 979 6364

mcohen@amsaa-cleo.brl.mil (Marty Cohen) (03/13/91)

Many of us are daily users of vi, but still aren't comfortable
enough to use features like multifile editing.  Would some expert
please give a short example of editing three files and moving text
from one to another?
Marty Cohen mcohen@brl.mil  {uunet|rutgers}!brl!mcohen
Custom House Rm 800, Phila. PA 19106 (215)597-8377

peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) (03/13/91)

In article <2251@borg.cs.unc.edu> leech@vangogh.cs.unc.edu (Jonathan Leech) writes:
>     RSX-11 I know from nothing, but VMS subprocesses are generally
> nicer for shell escapes - er, DCL escapes - than Unix. SUSPENDing the
> subprocess and returning to the editor preserves the context of
> whatever you were doing in the next shell escape, which can be useful.

Of course this means the editor doesn't know about your escape. VI at
least remembers your last shell command. Of course with layers/ptys/etc
there's no problem getting the VMS behaviour in UNIX so it's a moot
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter@ferranti.com
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

meissner@osf.org (Michael Meissner) (03/14/91)

In article <1991Mar12.190344.7863@ecf.utoronto.ca> xiaoy@ecf.toronto.edu (XIAO  Yan) writes:

| In article <MEISSNER.91Mar12115840@curley.osf.org> meissner@osf.org (Michael Meissner) writes:
| (lines deleted...)
| >However, vi only gives you one alternate file, so if you have more
| >than 2 files, you lose.
| (lines deleted...)
| 	Are you serious? 
| 	Or are you using some pecular programme calling itself vi?
| 	Or you are insulting our intelligence!!

By losing, I meant that the vi(le) editor only keeps track of the
current position for the current file, and the alternate file.  It
does not keep track of the position you were at for all of the files
in the edit list.

Also, keeping track of which file I'm in a sequence of files is for
the birds, as is having only alternate file.  Even without considering
the other features, this was a powerful reason for me to switch to
emacs (CCA originally, and now GNU).
Michael Meissner	email: meissner@osf.org		phone: 617-621-8861
Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142

Considering the flames and intolerance, shouldn't USENET be spelled ABUSENET?

tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) (03/14/91)

From the keyboard of mcohen@amsaa-cleo.brl.mil (Marty Cohen):
:Many of us are daily users of vi, but still aren't comfortable
:enough to use features like multifile editing.  Would some expert
:please give a short example of editing three files and moving text
:from one to another?

You use the named buffers.  There are a-z; use "a to access them
for use with the yank, put, and delete commands.  Capital letters
append to the buffers, lower-case will overwrite.   Let's say we 
want to edit the files foo, bar, and baz.  Do this:

$ vi foo bar baz	
/some_string		# find some string
"ad)			# delete next sentence into named buffer a
:n +/			# go on to next file.  assume autowrite set;
			  start at some_string (i have ^N bound to this)
{"Ay2}			# back up previous paragraph,  yank next 2 paragraphs
			  into named buffer a, appending to what was there
/other_string		# find something else
"bdG			# delete from there to bottom of file 
			  into named buffer b
:n			# go to next file
/omega			# find a string
"aP			# insert things from named buffer a before
			  cursor position.
G"bp			# go to bottom of file, put what's in named buffer
			  b after cursor
:rew			# go back to first file and iterate until happy

Note that your named buffers, including the numeric ones, stick around
between files, but the unnamed buffer gets trashed.  

The numeric buffers are your delete stack.  "3p will put the third-
to-the-last thing back.  The dot command is special for numeric 
buffer references: it autoincrements them.  This allows you to 
run backwards through your delete stack by just hitting a dot.
For example, this will reverse a list of 6 lines in your file:

dd		# delete this line
.....		# repeat 5 times
k"1p		# go up and put back last line deleted
.....		# repeat with autoincrement, reversing lines


torek@elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek) (03/18/91)

[Note, there is an important observation at the end.]

In article <1991Feb22.134323.20410@scrumpy@.bnr.ca>
bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu writes:
>   a) Strict window on file: just as it is in general not possible to see all
>      lines of a file, I also don't need to see all columns.  I don't like
>      editors that wrap lines.

GNU and Unipress Emacs (and others) have this as an option; vi does not.

>   b) Editor automatically strips trailing blanks (they can't be seen so they
>      should not exist).

Easy to program in Emacs, somewhat uglier in vi.  The magic vi command is

	:%s/[ 	][ 	]*$//

(substitute on space-or-tab followed by zero or more space-or-tabs followed
by end of line; replace with nothing).  This can be mapped to a key sequence
(including `ZZ').  This depends on the `magic' setting.

>   c) Tabs are expanded, again because they're invisible.

This issue is a complete morass.

There are many `kinds' of tabs:

	ASCII code 9, in files.

	What the terminal (or window or whatever) does with the above.

	What TAB key on the keyboard sends.

	What the editor does with the sequence the TAB key sends.

No matter what you do with the ones you can set, someone will be unhappy.
To be consistent, however, you must:

	1. rule that ASCII 9 in files means `move to (col-1)%8+9'.
	   [Note: columns here are numbered from 1 at the left, and
	    `%' means `mod'.]
	2. use the termcap/terminfo description to figure out what hte
	   terminal does and accomodate it.

You can then map user `tab' key sequences into anything you like.  If,
however, you map it to anything other than `insert one ASCII 9', you
must make more decisions, about which someone will be upset.

GNU and Unipress Emacs allow you to program whatever you like.  For
instance, in `picture mode' the cursor can go anywhere and appropriate
whitespace will magically be created as necessary.  Unfortunately, the
magic whitespace is either:

	- all spaces: some people will complain, others will be happy;
	- minimal combination of spaces and tabs: same, but the two
		groups are reversed.

Also, the magic whitespace (choose any or all of the following):

	- causes existing <tab or space> whitespace to be remapped to
	  minimal <tab plus space> whitespace;
	- leaves existing <tab or space> whitespace alone;
	- automatically removes inserted magic whitespace;
	- always leaves inserted magic whitespace behind;
	- removes magic whitespace conditionally;
	- <any other possibility you can think of>;

and no matter which you choose, someone will claim it is wrong.

vi does not (quite) let you program a picture mode since you cannot tell
whether <number>| will move to the given column, or will land on a tab and
move to column number (<number>-1)%8+8.

>   d) Non-modal.

Ill defined; `mode' means too many different things.  In any case,
Emacsen generally allow you to be nonmodal without requiring it, but
make it hard to be `modal' in the style of vi and encourage you to have
`file modes' (tab does different things when editing .el files vs .c
files, e.g.).  Since Emacsen are generally programmable, you can do
anything you want here.

>   In addition, another thing I want (and which frustrates me no end on vi)
>   is total freedom of movement in the window and automatic scrolling when
>   cursor hits a border.

Can be done in most Emacsen.

>   On the display, I like a status line and expect a command line.

Can be done in most Emacsen, although the `status line' may require a
blank line above it (though you could use that for your `command line')
and may always be highlighted.

>2) Editing keys
>   This is a controversial topic.

No kidding. :-)

>   What I prefer (although I recognize it limits range of terminals) is
>   keypad for general positioning (page down/up, next file, insert/replace
>   mode) and c-keys (or alt keys on a PC) for editing (c-y for yank, c-r for
>   repeat line, c-x for delete &c).  Use of a keypad is typical of VAX/VMS
>   editors (EDT, EVE) for example.  I see two user modes when using an editor,
>   browse mode (looking for stuff) and edit mode.

(You just said you did not like modes.  See what I mean about `modal'
having different meanings?  Here it means `the user's brain mode' and
not `the editor's key-action mode'.)

In any case, both vi and Emacsen can do this, provided you are willing to
`limit [your] range of terminals'.  vi has more trouble since it tends to
be in `insert mode' or `edit mode' (you have to make heavy use of map and
map!, and some mappings are impossible---more on that in a later article).

>3) Essential features:
>   - EASY TO LEARN and as INTUITIVE as possible.

`Intuitive' is undefined.  Intuitive to Joe may be gobbledygook to Jane,
and vice versa.

>An editor that comes with 300 pages of documentation is NOT easy to learn.

This is the price of extreme flexibility (Emacs).  It is, however, not
necessary (and is often undesirable) to give everyone the complete
documentation.  People who are frightened by documentation length may
be given a `dumbed down' configuration and manual.

>SMALL is beautiful also applies (i.e. you shouldn't need one meg to edit
>an hello-world program).

Well, that lets GNU Emacs out :-) .

>   - Basic features: insert/edit,

Modes again!

>intelligent split/join,

vi has the latter, Emacsen can do both.


(he means `without regular expressions' here:) Emacs has this, vi requires
`set nomagic'.

>delete lines, yank lines and the like.

Everything has this.

>Autoindenting of new lines.

vi has this in limited form (`autoindent', `shiftwidth', and ^T/^D);
Emacsen of course can do anything here.

>     Support for non-printing characters (such as FFs, ESCs, TABs if kept)
>     that may be in file.

Unclear: `support' as in `leave them there but do not show them', or as
in `allow them to be added/removed', or `show them in inverse video', or
`show them in control notation ^K', or...?  There is an almost infinite
variety of ways to handle this.  vi gives you one; Emacsen generally give
you two.

>   - Multiple (at least 2!) files simultaneously with of course possibility
>     to move stuff from one to another.

vi can do this, albeit painfully.  Easy in most Emacsen.

>Typically organized in a ring.

The files are in a ring?  (makes no sense.)

>     Should be able to name multiple files on command line, e.g.  ed *.c.

Everything does this.

>   - Block operations (moving groups of lines for example).  PE2's block
>     operations are really good (blocks can be lines, streams, rectangles).

vi has this in somewhat limited form (blocks are `sentences/paragraphs/
marked lines/marked streams'); Emacsen can do anything (including
rectangles: see picture mode).

>   - Undo or (at a minimum) recover facility.

vi has this in somewhat broken form (U is line undo, breaks if you move
off the line; little-u undo fails after complicated macros).  Emacsen
have undo.  Both can recover, if by this you mean `bring the file back in'
(:e! in vi, read-file in Emacsen).

>   - Protection against destructive writes.  For example, vi allows the
>     following:  user1 and user2 are both editing the same file.  User1
>     saves his work and then user2 saves his work thereby destroying
>     user1's work (this latter save should be refused because the file is
>     no longer the same as when it was read in).

A few vi variants have this, most Emacsen do.

>4) Very useful features:
>   - Multiple (at least 2) views simultaneously of same/different files.

vi had this, then Bill Joy lost all his work when the disk crashed,
because the backup device was broken (this back in 197x).  Since then
no one has done it again.  vi's internal structure (or lack thereof)
makes it very difficult.

Emacsen of course have it.

>   - Access to system (shell) without quitting editor.  In particular,
>     possibility to pipe the output of a command into the editor (in a new
>     "file", e.g. <ls -l), or to pipe the current file into a command (e.g.
>     >diff - orig.file).  Or even both together, to filter a file.  Maybe
>     this belongs in the previous section (at least in part).

Every sane Unix editor has this (vi and all Emacsen included).

>   - Autosave or some other mechanism to prevent complete loss of a session
>     on power failure.

vi has `vi -r', Emacsen generally checkpoint.

>   - RE searching: at the risk of shocking a lot of readers, I'll say that I
>     don't find this very useful (except in ed scripts and the like).

Most programmers will never give them up.  vi has magic/nomagic (kludgy
since it cannot be saved & restored in macros); most Emacsen have plain
and `regular expression' operations as separate entities, and you are
free to use either or both (I use both, with `plain search' as my
default, in my own private version of Emacs).

>   - Right/left shift of groups of lines as when adding an if statement around
>     a bit of code.

vi and Emacsen have this.

>   - Marks (e.g. to quickly return to a given spot), direct line addressing.

vi and Emacsen have this.

>   - Macros.  Or learn mode.

vi and Emacsen have macros (in vi, macros are the only extension mechanism);
Emacsen have learn mode.

>   - A minimum of WP features: word wrap and paragraph reflow are very
>     useful (as in PE2), particularly for e-mail.  I'd even add spell
>     checking to the nice-to-have features.

Emacsen have this.  vi allows piping through external programs to do it;
the `fmt' program (comes with BSD, available elsewhere) does the `reflow'.

>   - Adjustable window size (for xterms).

Emacsen have this.  Some versions of vi have this, with concomitant bugs.
Having put this into my own private Emacs, I will attest that it is very
difficult to do this right.

>5) Nice-to-have features:
>   - Hex editing/viewing.  The viewing is the more useful of the two.

Not sure exactly what this means, but since Emacsen and vi have filter
capabilities, you can always turn the file into hex, edit/view, then
turn it back into regular data.

>   - Line exclusion (possibility to exclude a group of lines from being
>     displayed - useful to better see a complex structure, e.g. by hiding
>     uninteresting code that clutters a switch statement).

vi cannot do this, and many Emacsen (including mine) cannot.  I believe
GNU Emacs can.

>   - Sort feature.  First met this on CMS's XEDIT and find it very useful
>     in all sorts of situations (not only for acronym lists).

Just sort the file (use the filter capability if you prefer).

>   - Many people would name redefinable keys as a worthwhile feature.  I
>     find it's more of a nuisance than fixed definitions.

If they are not redefinable, it is impossible to use keypads, because
every keypad has a different setup.

>6) Other observations
>   - In general (but not for word processors), I prefer an editor that is
>     line-oriented as opposed to character-oriented.

vi does both, for just about everything.  Emacsen do characters but it
is easy to program them to select whole lines as their character ranges.

>   - I don't personally like an editor that jumps around to show me ()
>     matching and the like.  If it's available, I want to be able to turn it
>     off.  I tend to write the two together and then insert within.

vi and Emacsen all have options.

>   - Guess-typing by the editor (I seem to have heard of that at one point)
>     would drive me insane because it would force me to continuously control
>     what's going on.

I have no idea what this means.

And last, the important observation:

Although most Emacsen can be programmed to do anything you want, it
generally turns out that those who are willing to learn what it takes
to do this are not the ones that want to reconfigure the editor.
(There are some notable exceptions.)  The trick is that a dumbed-down
Emacs (wired to `editing policy X') can be written, but to do it you
have to learn how, and by that time there is no longer any reason to do
it.  Thus, to get a dumbed-down version for N people, at least one
person must first learn how to really use the editor.  At that point
the one person generally no longer wants to create and document the
dumbed-down version: she would rather teach the others how to use it
(`because all this stuff is so *useful*'!).

The only way to bootstrap, in other words, is to commit someone to it
as a special project.  Universities generally do not have the resources
to spare, and corporations generally have the money to just buy something
else.  Hence there are few, if any, programs for Emacsen that wire them
into some particular editing policy.  There are plenty that `almost work',
written as an exercise, but they are usually not good enough to be used
by those people who complain about Emacsen being `too complicated'.
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Lawrence Berkeley Lab CSE/EE (+1 415 486 5427)
Berkeley, CA		Domain:	torek@ee.lbl.gov

Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM (03/21/91)

>>>>> On 17 Mar 91 20:41:39 GMT, torek@elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek) said:

Chris> In article <1991Feb22.134323.20410@scrumpy@.bnr.ca>
Chris> bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu writes:

>   - Guess-typing by the editor (I seem to have heard of that at one point)
>     would drive me insane because it would force me to continuously control
>     what's going on.

Chris> I have no idea what this means.

Maybe this GNU Emacs feature:
dabbrev-expand:  ESC /
Expand previous word "dynamically".
Expands to the most recent, preceding word for which this is a prefix.
If no suitable preceding word is found, words following point are considered.
If the cursor has not moved from the end of the previous expansion and
no argument is given, replace the previously-made expansion
with the next possible expansion not yet tried.
Also there's
Complete word at or before point

[Part of the ispell add-on package for GNU Emacs], pops up a buffer of
possible endings of the word to type in for you.  You select one.
Or probably he meant GNU Emacs' abbrev-mode. "In abbrev mode,
inserting an abbreviation causes it to expand and be replaced by its
expansion."  There are several pages of explanation of this in the
Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM  Naperville IL USA  +1 708 979 6364

lewis@bnrmtl.bnr.ca (Pierre Lewis) (03/21/91)

In article <11032@dog.ee.lbl.gov>, torek@elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek) replied
to my initial post.  There were many good points in his reply (and I guess I
need to rework my ideas a bit to clarify them!).  With this list (and a few
others I got thru e-mail) I have a very clear picture of the extent to which
vi or emacs fill my wish list (note that I never meant to suggest that they
didn't; for example, as Chris says, all decent Unix editors can pipe in and
out of the editor and I expected that both vi and emacs are capable of this).

On the topic of TABS.

> This issue is a complete morass.

> No matter what you do with the ones you can set, someone will be unhappy.

> You can then map user `tab' key sequences into anything you like.  If,
> however, you map it to anything other than `insert one ASCII 9', you
> must make more decisions, about which someone will be upset.

> and no matter which you choose, someone will claim it is wrong.

Exactly what I observe.  That's why, at least, I avoid tabs in files.  Of
course the editor should make use of the key somehow (it's on every terminal).
A complete editor should, I suppose, give all the options.

On the concept of non-MODAL.

> Ill defined; `mode' means too many different things.

Agreed.  What I don't like in vi is that the editor (as opposed to my brain
over which I have somewhat better control) can be in different modes with the
cursor in the text area and I can't seem to remember which one and can't tell
from just looking at the display (it looks exactly the same whether one is in
insert mode or in command mode).

> (You just said you did not like modes.  See what I mean about `modal'
> having different meanings?  Here it means `the user's brain mode' and
> not `the editor's key-action mode'.)

Right again, and I do mean user brain mode here!  And there are more modes
(insert/replace, etc.) to come!


> `Intuitive' is undefined.  Intuitive to Joe may be gobbledygook to Jane,
> and vice versa.

Of course, and that's why there will never be any single editor to please
everyone.  I should define this more carefully, but I'm not sure I can!
As a first attempt, it's when I can guess without having to read the
documentation.  If for example the key to split lines is C-S maybe I'll guess
it.  If it's ESC C-Y C-Q META-F1 there's no chance!


> >SMALL is beautiful also applies (i.e. you shouldn't need one meg to edit
> >an hello-world program).
> Well, that lets GNU Emacs out :-) .

I've just been told emacs stands for Eight Megs And Constantly Swapping :-).
Surely not new to most readers but we had a good laugh here.  XEDIT also
would probably not rate (I have no clue how big it is, but it can't be small).

On NON-PRINTING support.

> >     Support for non-printing characters (such as FFs, ESCs, TABs if kept)
> >     that may be in file.

What I mean is being able to add/remove them from file.  Of course they have
to be made visible somehow.  The way vi does this is fine (except for tabs
cause I don't see them - but maybe this can be changed); with emacs I don't
know what it looks like, but I'm sure it's fine too.


> The files are in a ring?  (makes no sense.)

This is an XEDIT concept, it means simply    +-->  file A ---> file B ---+
that the files are organized in a ring:      |                           |
(and a single keystroke typically            +---  file C <--- file D <--+
moves you from one file to the next)

> >     Should be able to name multiple files on command line, e.g.  ed *.c.
> Everything does this.

Well not on MS-DOS unless I'm really out of it.  And why does mail start up
n editors when I type "v 1-5" instead of just one editor if all editors do
this (well, true, it would have to create many temporary files)?


> Both can recover, if by this you mean `bring the file back in'
> (:e! in vi, read-file in Emacsen).

No I mean have access somehow to original status of modified/deleted lines.
Both XEDIT and PE2 have something of this type.  A full undo is of course
much, much better.


> Vi allows piping through external programs to do it;

That's fine, but what if I only want to reflow a single paragraph, not the
whole file.  I guess I move the paragraph to another file, filter it, bring
it back.  PE2 will let you reflow your paragraph with a single keystroke,
emacs too I understand.

The same applies to sorting.  What if I want to sort only part of the file.
In XEDIT, a single command will do it.


> Not sure exactly what this means, but since Emacsen and vi have filter
> capabilities, you can always turn the file into hex, edit/view, then
> turn it back into regular data.

True, but a real hex editor is a joy to work with when you must edit binary
files (rare, it's just a nice-to-have and hence above mechanism is generally
satisfactory).  Here's an example of the display with such an editor:

  000000: 50617468 3A20626E 726D746C 40626E72 *Path: bnrmtl@bnr*
  000010: 2E636121 6C657769 730A4E65 77736772 *.ca!lewis.Newsgr*
  000020: 6F757073 3A20636F 6D702E65 6469746F *oups: comp.edito*

If I now search for /Newsgroups/ a real hex editor will find it.


> If they are not redefinable, it is impossible to use keypads, because
> every keypad has a different setup.

Good point.  The only way this could work is if you restrict the terminals or
do the mapping outside the editor (as I do with xterm, via .xresources).


> And last, the important observation:
> Although most Emacsen can be programmed to do anything you want, it
> generally turns out that those who are willing to learn what it takes
> to do this are not the ones that want to reconfigure the editor.
> (There are some notable exceptions.)  The trick is that a dumbed-down
> Emacs (wired to `editing policy X') can be written, but to do it you
> have to learn how, and by that time there is no longer any reason to do
> it. .....

Good point.  Isn't that the problem with all powerful editors, emacs, XEDIT,

Thank you very much for all your comments!  It'll force me to clarify my
ideas further... (but no, I'm not planning to repost them!)

Pierre LEWIS
Internet:            bnrmtl!lewis@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU

tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) (03/21/91)

From the keyboard of bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu:
|Agreed.  What I don't like in vi is that the editor (as opposed to my brain
|over which I have somewhat better control) can be in different modes with the
|cursor in the text area and I can't seem to remember which one and can't tell
|from just looking at the display (it looks exactly the same whether one is in
|insert mode or in command mode).

:set showinsert
:set si

most modern vi's support showinsert to avoid this.  i never use it myself,
as it annoys me, but beginning users seem to like it.  i'm used to 
typing esc if i'm unsure.

|Of course, and that's why there will never be any single editor to please
|everyone.  I should define this more carefully, but I'm not sure I can!
|As a first attempt, it's when I can guess without having to read the
|documentation.  If for example the key to split lines is C-S maybe I'll guess
|it.  If it's ESC C-Y C-Q META-F1 there's no chance!

exactly -- there are far more possible commmands then mnemonic keystrokes.

|What I mean is being able to add/remove them from file.  Of course they have
|to be made visible somehow.  The way vi does this is fine (except for tabs
|cause I don't see them - but maybe this can be changed); with emacs I don't
|know what it looks like, but I'm sure it's fine too.

:set list

This displays tabs as ^I and EOL as $.

|> The files are in a ring?  (makes no sense.)
|This is an XEDIT concept, it means simply    +-->  file A ---> file B ---+
|that the files are organized in a ring:      |                           |
|(and a single keystroke typically            +---  file C <--- file D <--+
|moves you from one file to the next)

That's why I bind ^N to be ":n +/".  Then ^N goes to the next file.
With autowrite and write any set, it works well.  

|Well not on MS-DOS unless I'm really out of it.  And why does mail start up
|n editors when I type "v 1-5" instead of just one editor if all editors do
|this (well, true, it would have to create many temporary files)?

sounds like mail's fault.

|> Both can recover, if by this you mean `bring the file back in'
|> (:e! in vi, read-file in Emacsen).
|No I mean have access somehow to original status of modified/deleted lines.
|Both XEDIT and PE2 have something of this type.  A full undo is of course
|much, much better.

for each line?

|> Vi allows piping through external programs to do it;
|That's fine, but what if I only want to reflow a single paragraph, not the
|whole file.  I guess I move the paragraph to another file, filter it, bring
|it back.  PE2 will let you reflow your paragraph with a single keystroke,
|emacs too I understand.

You can do a filter-region instead of the whole file.  

    :map = {!}fmt^M

|The same applies to sorting.  What if I want to sort only part of the file.
|In XEDIT, a single command will do it.

ditto.  name your region with marks or by targets, and send it through
your favorite sort with a !sort -rn kind of command.  this shouldn't be
built into your editors.


tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) (03/21/91)

From the keyboard of torek@elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek):
:This is fixed in 10th Edition Unix.  It is just an accident of history.
:There *is* a reason for some difference, actually:  Editors must have
:a way of marking matches for substitutions, while pure matchers (grep)
:do not need this.

Untrue.  I use \references on the LHS of my substitutes, albeit
infrequently.  For example:

    prep '(\w+)\s+\1' *.ms

to find repeated words on the same line in a document.


ps: prep basically works out to be an alias like this:

    alias prep "perl -ne 'print if /$^/' \!:2-$"

accept I don't require the filenames.  In straight egrep, you would say:

    egrep '([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[ ^I]+\1' *.ms

In grep it's more cumbersome still for lack of + operator.  Perl regexps
have some other nice properties, too, but I won't get into that here.

Anybody got a good way of doing "word-boundaries" in egrep?  In grep
you can use -w, but only gnu's egrep takes it.  I use \b in perl, \<
in vi, but egrep is a pain for this.  Well, that's what the prep alias
is for I guess.


torek@elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek) (03/21/91)

In article <1991Mar20.191434.5634@scrumpy@.bnr.ca>
bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu writes:
[`non printing characters']
>What I mean is being able to add/remove them from file.  Of course they have
>to be made visible somehow.  The way vi does this is fine (except for tabs
>cause I don't see them - but maybe this can be changed); with emacs I don't
>know what it looks like, but I'm sure it's fine too.

I will not attempt to guess how different Emacsen handle tabs (my own
private version makes them `tab to column-mod-n' where n can be set on
a per file basis; if you set n to zero or negative, tabs are just
another control character).  Vi has something called `list' mode in
which tabs are shown as ^I:

	:set list

turns this on, and

	:set nolist

turns it off.  In list mode end-of-line is also signified as `$'.

>This is an XEDIT concept, it means simply    +-->  file A ---> file B ---+
>that the files are organized in a ring:      |                           |
>(and a single keystroke typically            +---  file C <--- file D <--+
>moves you from one file to the next)

Ah: in Emacs you just bring up ten zillion windows and select amongst
them any way you like.  In vi, `:n' (or :next) goes to the next file.
There is no convenient way to back up (control-^ or :e# switches to the
`current alternate file', which is the previous file after a :n, but
you cannot get any further back than that).  When you reach the end,
or want to restart, `:rew' (:rewind) takes you back to the first.
At any time, :args will show the arguments with [] around the current

>>>     Should be able to name multiple files on command line, e.g.  ed *.c.

>> Everything does this.

>Well not on MS-DOS unless I'm really out of it.

I guess I should have said `Every sane Unix editor'---VMS EDT apparently
also does not.

>[why does mail start one editor per file]

This is the fault of whoever wrote mail;

>(well, true, it would have to create many temporary files)?

this is a likely reason.

>> Vi allows piping through external programs to [fill lines]
>That's fine, but what if I only want to reflow a single paragraph, not the
>whole file.

You type {!}fmt and hit return: { means `move back a paragraph' (i.e.,
to the beginning of this one), ! means `filter' (pipe), } means `move
forward a paragraph', and fmt is the `external program' that does it.
If you like,

	map #1 {!}fmt^M

in a .exrc or EXINIT will bind `function key 1' (if it exists, and is
described in termcap) to this.

One problem with this, again, is vi's limited understanding of `paragraph'
(trailing whitespace on a blank line means that line does not separate

One thing missing from some non-Unix editors is `tags': vi and Emacsen
generally have the notion of a `tags file', which contains the names
and `locators' for things in a program.  Typing `:tag foo' means `find
the tag for foo', and ^] means `find the tag for the word under the cursor'
(in vi; Emacs tags generally are somewhat different).  Tags are mainly
useful for navigating around large programs.

Tags locators are regular expressions, rather than line numbers, so that
most changes to the source do not outdate them.

Many vi tags implementations have an annoying bug: selecting a tag that
appears in the current file fails if you have `nowrapscan' set and the
tag appears before the current cursor position.  This is easily fixed
in the source: just save and restore nowrapscan, and turn it off for
the tag search.
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Lawrence Berkeley Lab CSE/EE (+1 415 486 5427)
Berkeley, CA		Domain:	torek@ee.lbl.gov

les@chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) (03/21/91)

In article <1991Mar20.191434.5634@scrumpy@.bnr.ca> bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu writes:

  >On the topic of TABS.
>Exactly what I observe.  That's why, at least, I avoid tabs in files.  Of
>course the editor should make use of the key somehow (it's on every terminal).
>A complete editor should, I suppose, give all the options.

If you intend to edit Makefiles, you probably want to store real tabs
in the file.

 >On the concept of non-MODAL.

>Agreed.  What I don't like in vi is that the editor (as opposed to my brain
>over which I have somewhat better control) can be in different modes with the
>cursor in the text area and I can't seem to remember which one and can't tell
>from just looking at the display (it looks exactly the same whether one is in
>insert mode or in command mode).

Current vi's have ":set showmode" to display the mode on the bottom
screen line, but it's kind of annoying.  I happen to like vi's modal
operation, although it did take a long time to get used to it.  I tend
to view, browse, and search much more text than I actually modify or
insert.  Being in command mode by default with most commands available
on the "handy" parts of the keyboard makes this much easier.  Also,
if you prepend an ESC to each of the normal vi commands you would notice
that the only remaining concept of modedness is that you have to
explicitly start an insert or append.  Everything else then works the
same no matter what mode you were in, since an extra ESC in command
mode is ignored (except for the beep).  BTW, this is the worst problem
I have with VIP-mode in GNU emacs - ESC ESC does something very different
than vi.

>Of course, and that's why there will never be any single editor to please
>everyone.  I should define this more carefully, but I'm not sure I can!
>As a first attempt, it's when I can guess without having to read the
>documentation.  If for example the key to split lines is C-S maybe I'll guess
>it.  If it's ESC C-Y C-Q META-F1 there's no chance!

All the same to me... And if by C-S you mean control-S, please save
everyone a lot of trouble and avoid using common flow control characters
that won't pass through a lot of communications links as editor commands.


There is a subtle connection between undo/repeat and modedness.  If
you don't have explicit commands to start and stop insert and append
modes, undo and repeat commands won't have boundaries for these operations.

  [re-wrap by filtering]
>That's fine, but what if I only want to reflow a single paragraph, not the
>whole file.  I guess I move the paragraph to another file, filter it, bring
>it back. 

No, you can filter a limited region through another process, but I agree
that re-wrap should be built in, since it is simple (wrapmargin is
already there) and it is common.

>The same applies to sorting.  What if I want to sort only part of the file.
>In XEDIT, a single command will do it.

I wouldn't want this built into an editor unless it provided everthing
you might want in a sort - kind of at odds with your "small is beautiful"
comment.  On the other hand, I've found the sort in Wordperfect to
be quite useful on DOS systems where you don't have a good external
sort program.  It's also nice that it knows to ignore its own formatting
codes and knows how to deal with elements of it's mail merge lists.

Les Mikesell

peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) (03/22/91)

In article <1991Mar20.191434.5634@scrumpy@.bnr.ca> bnrmtl!lewis@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu writes:
> > No matter what you do with the ones you can set, someone will be unhappy.

> Exactly what I observe.  That's why, at least, I avoid tabs in files.

That makes *me* unhappy. I get code like that, it goes through indent
straight off.

> That's fine, but what if I only want to reflow a single paragraph, not the
> whole file.


You can pipe any part of the file through an external program and put it back.
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter@ferranti.com
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

torek@elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek) (03/22/91)

In article <1991Mar20.203401.26237@convex.com> tchrist@convex.COM
(Tom Christiansen) writes:
[in reply to my statement that `pure matchers' do not need \(...\)-style
 `remember' expressions]
>Untrue.  I use \references on the LHS of my substitutes, albeit
>infrequently.  For example:
>    prep '(\w+)\s+\1' *.ms
>to find repeated words on the same line in a document.

Such references are, strictly speaking, not regular expressions at
all.  I will not deny their utility, but they do make building a matcher
more difficult, which is why egrep, e.g., does not support this.
(Egrep builds a DFSA and then runs it, and egrep DFSAs cannot be made
to perform backreferences.)

The only reason I made the note in the first place was to prevent
someone else from objecting to the `same syntax for editor and matcher'
idea with the same note.  In other words, I was anticipating the claim:
`using the same syntax is stupid because ...' and had already rejected

I take it this was unclear in my original article....
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Lawrence Berkeley Lab CSE/EE (+1 415 486 5427)
Berkeley, CA		Domain:	torek@ee.lbl.gov

lewis@bnrmtl.bnr.ca (Pierre Lewis) (03/26/91)

Little did I expect, when I submitted my original post, that I would learn
more about vi and emacs (esp. the former) than I ever learned from all other
sources.  Thanks to all for the pointers.  Even if I don't use vi often, I
do use it at times and this is useful information.

On intuitivity...

Yes the C-S example was not so great because it's used as a flow control
character.  Here are two hopefully better examples of what I mean by
intuitive.  For lack of a real definition.

1) vi commands :w :q and :n

   With the vi on our SunOS 4.0.3, I can do the following:
     :w    to write back a file
     :q    to quit the editor
     :wq   to write back a file AND quit the editor

   I can also do:
     :n    to move to next file (if current file has no pending changes)

   So I thought, given previous experience with :wq (which seemed to indicate
   that you can concatenate commands), that
     :wn   to write back a file AND move to next file
   would also be possible.  Filled with blind faith (on one occasion where
   I happened to be cleaning up a few uuencoded files), I tried (after
   editing first file):
   and got the message "wn: Not an editor command".  There is surely some
   other command that will do it, but why not the intuitive choice?

   Here's one case where an editor failed to be intuitive.  Anyone can give
   me a good reason why ":wn" should not work if ":wq" works?

2) XEDIT command show

   With XEDIT, it is possible to exclude some lines from the display (e.g.
   to hide some error processing which we are not momentarily interested
   in).  A very useful feature, maximizing information on display.  For
   example, the display might look like:

     =====   if (! (pfcb = (tFcb *)malloc(sizeof (tFcb)))) /* alloc fcb */
     =====   {
     ===== -----------------  6  line(s) not displayed -----------------
     =====   }
     =====   else memset(pfcb, 0, sizeof(tFcb));

   At this point, it is possible to enter in the prefix area (the command
   area in front of a line) the command "s" to make the hidden lines all
   visible again.  Or the command "s3" to make only the first three visible
   again.  But what if one wants to make the LAST three visible.  The first
   thing that came to my mind (I did have quite a bit of experience with the
   editor, but I don't know of any other prefix command where this might be
   useful) is "s-3".  I tried it

     s-3== -----------------  6  line(s) not displayed -----------------

   and it worked as expected.  That an example of an editor being intuitive.

Pierre LEWIS
Internet:    bnrmtl!lewis@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU

Lubarsky's law of cybernetic entomology:  There is always one more bug!

phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Phil Howard KA9WGN) (03/27/91)

>   b) Editor automatically strips trailing blanks (they can't be seen so they
>      should not exist).

How about making it so they are visible.

>   c) Tabs are expanded, again because they're invisible.

You mean when I write the file out there are no longer any tabs in it?

How about an editor that makes them visibly different?

>   - EASY TO LEARN and as INTUITIVE as possible.

Emacs as easy to learn and intuitive to emacs users.
Vi is east to learn and intuitive to vi users.

Which are you?  (I need to know to know which editor to tell you to use :-)

>An editor that comes with 300 pages of documentation is NOT easy to learn.

That depends on whether the documentation was written as a tutorial for the
illiterate, or as a reference manual.  In the latter case I might agree.
/ Phil Howard -- KA9WGN -- phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu                              \
\ Lietuva laisva -- Brivu Latviju -- Eesti vabaks                             /

ch@dce.ie (Charles Bryant) (04/04/91)

In article <11200@dog.ee.lbl.gov> torek@elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek) writes:
>One thing missing from some non-Unix editors is `tags': vi and Emacsen
>generally have the notion of a `tags file', which contains the names
>and `locators' for things in a program.  Typing `:tag foo' means `find
>the tag for foo', and ^] means `find the tag for the word under the cursor'
>(in vi; Emacs tags generally are somewhat different).  Tags are mainly
>useful for navigating around large programs.
>Tags locators are regular expressions, rather than line numbers, so that
>most changes to the source do not outdate them.

Well they are actually *any* ex commands. For example the following
line in a tags file:
foo	%	!rm %
will remove the file being edited when tag `foo' is searched for.
Now if someone can point out how to use the output of such a command to
go to a line, I could devise an entry that looked up the tag when selected
instead of having a fixed table. [the command "r !echo 23|d z|@z"
springs to mind, but "r !..." dosen't respect the ex command delimeters

My colleague Eamonn McManus (in real life em@dce.ie) just pointed out
that the ability to run commands via tags is yet another feature to
watch out for in a restricted environment.

Incidentally, I noticed that:
foo	foo	/foo/
foo	%	/foo/
are not the same (`%' expands to the current file name) even when foo
is the current file. Vi knows that `foo' won't change the current file,
but dosen't realize that `%' won't either.
Charles Bryant (ch@dce.ie)
If you like the opinions expressed in this message, they may be available
for rent - contact your local sales office. Low interest deals available.