[comp.editors] Program to proofread text for mismatched braces

rouben@math9.math.umbc.edu (Rouben Rostamian) (04/17/91)

I am looking for a unix utility to "proofread" a document for mismatched
delimiters.  For instance, it should flag instances of missing opening and
closing parentheses(), square brackets [], or braces{}.  Preferably, the
user should be able to modify the behavior of the program by adding new
delimiter types to the recognized delimiters list (e.g., matching /* with */
or matching \begin with \end).

The utility would be useful for preliminary debugging of programs in various
programming languages such as C, FORTRAN, pascal, and mark-up text
documents such as TeX, troff and runoff.

Some time ago, when I used to work in a VMS environment exclusively, I wrote
a TPU program which could be called from within the EVE editor, for this type
of proofreading.  In principle, the TPU program can be translated into C,
but this is not an entirely trivial task, since TPU is much more
text-processing oriented than C.  Besides which, I would not want to re-invent
the wheel if someone else has already done so.

So please let me know if you use, or are aware of programs with similar
proofreading capability.  I appreciate any help in this regard.

Rouben Rostamian                          Telephone: (301) 455-2458
Department of Mathematics and Statistics  e-mail:
University of Maryland Baltimore County   bitnet: rostamian@umbc.bitnet
Baltimore, MD 21228,  U.S.A.              internet: rouben@math9.math.umbc.edu