[comp.editors] elvis for msdos

dv@welch.jhu.edu (Deepak Vaidya) (06/14/91)

Can somebody help me out using elvis

dv@welch.jhu.edu (Deepak Vaidya) (06/14/91)

Sorry for the previous unfinished post.  
I need some help in using elvis on an IBM ps/2 55sx.  The problem that I
have is that when I try to use the software I get the following error
	can't create temporary file, errno=2

I created a c:\tmp directory to see if it will work, and also created a
directory c:\elvis\tmp, but that also did not help.

Can somebody out there help me setup the software.

Thank You
-Deepak Vaidya

dv@welch.jhu.edu (Deepak Vaidya) (06/14/91)

First of all thank you all who answered by previous post, I got elvis working
by setting an environment variable for the tmp directory.

Now, I have another question, and I read the manual, and it says that for
elvis to find .exrc which is elvis.rc file on msdos, set an environment
variable called home which points to the directory that elvis.rc file
is located and I set that but it does not work.  If I start elvis from
the same directory that the elvis.rc file exist, it pulls up the default

Any help given will  be appreciated

Thank You
-Deepak Vaidya