[net.news.group] A yes vote for net.people

rf@wu1.UUCP (12/21/83)

Net.people seems an excellent idea.  Why hasn't this been
suggested earlier?

				Randolph Fritz

tbray@mprvaxa (12/30/83)

title sez it

spaf@gatech.UUCP (Gene Spafford) (01/01/84)

Yet another vote yes.
Off the Wall of Gene Spafford
School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf.GATech @ CSNet-Relay
uucp:	...!{akgua,allegra,rlgvax,sb1,unmvax,ulysses,ut-sally}!gatech!spaf

jhall@ihuxu.UUCP (John R. Hall) (01/02/84)

I vote no.
--John R. Hall, ihuxu!jhall

bts@unc.UUCP (01/02/84)

I vote "yes", too.
	Bruce Smith, UNC-Chapel Hill

tower@inmet.UUCP (01/04/84)

inmet!tower    Jan  3 14:19:00 1984

a NO vote on net.people.

-len tower        harpo!inmet!tower        Cambridge, MA

dhb@rayssd.UUCP (01/04/84)

Count my vote as YES.
	Dave Brierley
	Raytheon Co.; Portsmouth RI; (401)-847-8000 x4073