(David S. Cargo) (11/16/85)
I am thinking of buying a package of software tools (the Carousel MicroTools from Strong Consulting), that includes binaries of the run time library for the creation of new tools. The catch is that the binaries are only compatible with older releases of IBM PC/MS-DOS Fortrans. In particular, the versions of the compilers which Tom Strong told me could be used are IBM Fortran 1.0 and MicroSoft Fortran 3.13 or earlier. Does anybody know where I can buy these older versions of Fortran? They are about 2 years old. I understand it might be possible to buy the software "used" from someone who didn't want it any more. There might also still be some on dealers shelves, though I hold small hope of that. I very much like the MicroTools, but I must port my own tools over from CP/M-80 before I can use an MS-DOS system as well as I would like. David S. Cargo (Cargo at HI-Multics)