EPSYNET@UHUPVM1.BITNET (Psychnet Newsletter and Bulletin Board) (02/29/88)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! * * * P S Y C H N E T N E W S L E T T E R * * * (tm) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Volume 3, Number 8, February 27, 1988 Circulation 808 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! From the Ed. Psych. Dept., University of Houston, Texas 77004 ! ! Robert C. Morecock, Editor ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Today's Topics: 1. Eastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology -- Jim Couch 2. Illinois Interdisciplinary Conference on Decision Making -- Peter Hadawy 3. Evolution and Human Behavior Annual Meeting -- Bill Bailey 4. Three Positions Announced at Central Washington University 5. Psychnet Feature: Another Mailing List of Interest to Readers -- Aidsnews 6. Files Arriving at Psychnet Since the Last Issue 7. How to Retrieve Psychnet Files (For discussion of above or other topics on Psychnet, send your comments to userid Epsynet at node Uhupvm1 on Bitnet.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EASTERN CONFERENCE ON THE TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY Announcement The Department of Psychology at James Madison University announces the FIRST ANNUAL EASTERN CONFERENCE ON THE TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for faculty members who are teaching UNDERGRADUATE psychology courses to gather and exchange ideas, teaching techniques, etc. Ludy Benjamin and Barbara Sholley have been scheduled for keynote addresses. Small concurrent sessions will be scheduled to allow participants the opportunity to discuss specific courses, teaching techniques, and topics such as advising, multi-media use, etc. The Conference will convene on the morning of OCTOBER 14, 1988 and end after lunch on OCTOBER 15. Meals will be included in the $85.00 registration fee. Motel accommodations ($27-$36 for single occupancy and $33-$41 for double occupancy) are near by with shuttle bus service to and from the conference center. PLAN NOW on meeting with your colleagues who are committed to EXCELLENCE IN UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY EDUCATION in Harrisonburg, Virginia on October 14 and 15. Requests for Programs Have a novel way of teaching a course? Have a better way to involve students in research or practicum experiences? Have an innovative curriculum? Using microcomputers in your teaching? Consider telling you colleagues about how you teach, advise, involve students, etc. If you are interested in presenting your ideas in a 60 minute session send a brief description of the program by APRIL 1 along with your name, address and phone number to: Jim Couch and Charles Harris Eastern Conference of the Teaching of Psychology Department of Psychology James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Presenters will receive free registration to the Teaching Conference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: haddawy@m.cs.uiuc.edu (Peter Haddawy) Subject: Decision Making Workshop CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 1988 ILLINOIS INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOP ON DECISION MAKING Representation and Use of Knowledge for Decision Making in Human, Mechanized, and Ideal Agents Sponsored by the UIUC CogSci/AI Steering Committee Champaign-Urbana, Illinois June 15-17, 1988 PURPOSE The 1988 Illinois Interdisciplinary Workshop on Decision Making is intended to bring together researchers working on the problem of decision making from the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Psychology, Statistics, and Operations Research. Since each area has traditionally stressed different facets of the problem, researchers in each of the above fields should benefit from an understanding of the issues addressed and the advances made in the other fields. We hope to provide an atmosphere that is both intensive and informal. FORMAT There will be talks by ten invited speakers from the above mentioned areas. The current list of speakers includes: P.Cheeseman, J.Cohen, J.Fox, W.Gale, J.Payne, R.Quinlan, T.Seidenfeld, B.Skyrms, and C.White. The talks will be followed by prepared commentaries and open floor discussion. Additionally, speakers will participate in small moderated discussion groups focused intensively on their work. TOPICS - The representation, organization and dynamics of the knowledge used in decision making. - Decision making strategies. - Decisions under constraints (limited rationality). - Combining normative and descriptive theories. - The use of domain knowledge to initialize beliefs and preferences. PARTICIPATION This workshop will consist of a limited number of active participants, commentators, and invited speakers. To be considered for participation, send a one page summary of your research interests and publications no later than March 15. Indicate also if you would like to deliver either an inter- or intra-disciplinary commentary. Commentators will receive copies of their assigned papers three weeks prior to the workshop. Acceptances will be mailed by April 4. REGISTRATION The registration fee is $50 general and $30 for students. A copy of the proceedings is included in the registration fee and will be distributed at the workshop. A few grants are available to cover most or all travel, accommodation, and registration expenses. In order to be considered for a grant, include a request with your application. Mail all correspondence to: L. Rendell, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1304 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana, IL 61801. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE U.Bockenholt, O.Coskunoglu, P.Haddawy, P.Maher, L.Rendell, E.Weber ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FROM: BILL BAILEY EVOLUTIION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR ANNUAL MEETING. APRIL 8-10, 1988, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.. ROBERT HINDE WILL BE THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER. ALL WHO ARE USING MODERN EVOLUTIONARY THEORY TO UNDERSTAND HUMAN BEHAVIOR ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. THE FEE FOR THOSE WHO REGISTER BY MARCH 15TH WILL BE $20, AFTER THAT IT WILL BE $25. TO REGISTER FOR THE MEETING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE WRITE OR CALL: JUDY MAAS, EVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR PROGRAM, THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 1571 RACKMAN BUILDING, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48109 (313) 936-2526, (100:00 A.M. TO NOON OR 1:00-3:00 P.M.). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: KAY@UWAV4.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU Subject: job posting CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY announces three position openings. Brief descriptions are given here. Details may be obtained by contacting John L. Silva, Chair, Department of Psychology, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 98926. Central Washington University is located two hours east of Seattle in the eastern foothills of the Cascade range. The University enrolls about 7,000 students, 150 of whom are Psychology majors. The Psychology faculty of 23 offers the Bachelor of Arts and five masters-level degrees in Psychology. Salaries are competitive and negotiable, depending on qualifications. Application deadlines may be extended if a qualified applicant is not available. Central Washington University is an Affirmative Action, EOE, Title IX institution. 1. SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST. Tenure track, assistant profesor, begins September, 1988. Doctorate, with specialization in School Psychology. Should meet Washington State licensing requirements. Responsibilities include teaching and research in human development, assessment, counseling, and general psychology; supervision of practicum and thesis work. Application deadline: April 1, 1988. Letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Dr. Eugene Johnson, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 98926. 2. ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Tenure track, assistant professor, begins September, 1988. Doctorate, with specialization in Industrial/Organizational or Organizational Behavior. Teach undergraduate and graduate coursework in I/O, supervise and advise graduate students in Master of Science in Organizational Behavior program. Application deadline: March 15, 1988. Letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Dr. James L. Eubanks, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 98926. 3. CLINICAL OR COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGIST. Tenure track, assistant professor, begins September, 1988. Doctorate in Clinical or Counseling Psychology; preference for APA program, specialization in marriage and family counseling, one year's clinical experience. Should meet Washington State licensing requirements. Will teach in human development, adjustment, general psychology, supervise graduate practica and master,s research. Application deadline: April 1, 1988. Letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Dr. Margaret E. Lloyd, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 98926. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSYCHNET FEATURE: ANOTHER MAILING LIST OF POSSIBLE INTEREST TO READERS (A Selected Item from the Arpanet Siglists) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIDSNEWS%RUTVM1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU The AIDSNews Forum is used for the discussion of any issue relating to AIDS/ARC. AIDS Treatment News reports on experimental and alternative treatments, especially those available now. It collects information from medical journals, and from interviews with scientists, physicians and other health practitioners, and persons with AIDS or ARC; it does not recommend particular therapies, but seeks to increase the options available. The ethical and public-policy issues around AIDS treatment research will also be examined. AIDS Treatment News, Northern Lights Alternatives, and many other publications are also distributed to this list. A library of files is also available. Send or mail the following command to LISTSERV@RUTVM1.BITNET for a current listing of available files: INDEX AIDSNEWS Bitnet users may subscribe to the list by doing: TELL LISTSERV at RUTVM1 SUBSCRIBE AIDSNEWS Your_Full_Name where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not your userid). From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command. Users outside Bitnet should use the appropriate gateway to send mail to LISTSERV@RUTVM1.BITNET. The text of the message should be the single line: SUBSCRIBE AIDSNEWS Your_Full_Name To protect privacy the subscriber list is kept confidential. If you have any problems subscribing to the list send mail to the Coordinator. Coordinator: Michael Smith <MSMITH@CS-UMASS.ARPA> <MSMITH@UMAECS.BITNET> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILES ARRIVING AT PSYCHNET SINCE THE LAST ISSUE ________________________________________________________________________ FILENAME FILETYPE | (Posting Date) FILE CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIDSNEWS 49 (02.27.88) AIDS Newsletter AIDSNEWS 50 (02.27.88) AIDS Newsletter BITNET SERVERS (02.21.88) - other fileservers on Bitnet COMPUTER SOCV3N06 (02.22.88) Computer and Society Digest COMPUTER SOCV3N07 (02.22.88) Computer and Society Digest COMPUTER SOCV3N08 (02.27.88) Computer and Society Digest DECISION MAKING (02.22.88) Illinois conference on decision making NETMONTH 1988FEB (02.21.88) Bitnet MONTHLY news magazine TEACHING PSYCH (02.22.88) Eastern Conference-Teaching Psych Announcement ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO REQUEST PSYCHNET FILES Most (but not quite all) Bitnet users of Psychnet can request files interactively from userid UH-INFO at node UHUPVM1. If your request is valid and the links between your node and the University of Houston are all operating, your request will be acknowledged automatically and your file will arrive in a few seconds or minutes, depending on how busy the system is. To make the request use the same method you use to 'chat' or talk interactively with live users at other nodes. From a CMS node this might look like: TELL UH-INFO AT UHUPVM1 PSYCHNET SENDME filename filetype from a VAX system it might look like: SEND/REMOTE UH-INFO@UHUPVM1 PSYCHNET SENDME filename filetype At other Bitnet sites (or if these fail for you) check with your local computer center for the exact syntax. If you are not at a Bitnet site (or if within Bitnet you cannot 'chat' or talk interactively with live people at other nodes) send an electronic mail letter to userid EPSYNET at node UHUPVM1 with your request, including a comment that your site cannot send interactive commands. Bob Morecock will send out your requested file, usually the same day that your letter arrives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** End of Psychnet Newsletter ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------