brian@sdcsvax.UCSD.EDU (Brian Kantor) (10/30/87)
Well, it sorta goes like this: I just cancelled the postings of RFC1013, which was purported to be the the X-windows protocol description. Turns out that this was the Alpha version update, from April, which took until June to be issued as an Internet RFC. By then, it seems, the X-windows people had revised the document. There was no indication of that at the NIC, so an RFC that was just a couple of months old seemed to me to be a pretty good bet as being an authoritative document. I guess it wasn't until the RFC got posted to comp.doc that the X-windows people noticed the problem. Anyway, I got a couple of frantic messages this morning asking me to stop the posting, as it was obsolete. I guess they're going to do something about the Internet people who already got the RFC directly from the NIC. So it's been cancelled. You should remove it from your archives too. I'm sorry that we all had to pay the transport costs for this before we found out the problem. Sigh. Water under the bridge. If I can figure out where to get the right version of the X-windows protocol document, maybe I'll post it. There seemes to be a significant amount of interest in X-windows out there. Sorry for the confusion. This time, it wasn't my fault. - Brian