[alt.config] environmental newsgroup

esj@manatee.cis.ufl.edu (Eric S. Johnson) (09/03/88)

In article <3581@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> englandr@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Scott Englander) writes:
>Is there a newgroup where environmental issues and recent news and
>policy is discussed?  If not, how do we start one?

No, but I've been considering a alt.eco-guerrilla. Is there any objections?
If not, ill issue the newgroup control message. If you have a objection,
please mail it to me so I will read it soon.

Usenet mail path: ....{gatech or mailrus}!uflorida!banana.cis.ufl.edu!esj
Regular mail: <esj@banana.cis.ufl.edu>