gamiddleton@watmath.uucp (Guy Middleton) (09/04/87)
Copyright (C) 1987 USENET Community Trust Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the USENET copyright notice and the title of the newsgroup and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the USENET Community Trust or the original contributor. .RH MOD.RECIPES-SOURCE SHORTBREAD-2 B "10 Mar 87" 1987 .RZ "SOFT SHORTBREAD" "Soft shortbread" My mother makes this; she got the recipe from a friend. .IH "serves 4\-6" .IG "1 cup" "soft butter" "250 g" .IG "1 cup" "flour" "100 g" .IG "\(12 cup" "corn starch" "60 g" .IG "\(12 cup" "icing sugar" "60 g" .IG "1 tsp" "vanilla" "5 ml" .PH .SK 1 Preheat oven to .TE 325 160 . .SK 2 Beat butter and vanilla until foamy. .SK 3 Add dry ingredients and blend. Do not overstir. .SK 4 Spoon onto an ungreased pan. .SK 5 Bake at .TE 325 160 until done (10\-20 minutes depending on thickness) .SH RATING .I Difficulty: easy. .I Time: 5 minutes preparation, 20 minutes cooking and cooling. .I Precision: approximate measurement OK. .WR Guy Middleton University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. gamiddleton@watmath