mark@megatek.uucp (Mark Thompson) (11/15/87)
Copyright (C) 1987 USENET Community Trust Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the USENET copyright notice and the title of the newsgroup and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the USENET Community Trust or the original contributor. .RH MOD.RECIPES-SOURCE PUMPKIN-CAKE-3 D "3 Nov 87" 1987 .RZ "PUMPKIN CHEESECAKE" "A holiday alternative to pumpkin pie" This cheesecake has to be tried to be believed. It was developed by Karen Reynolds, a charming lady, fine programmer, and amazing cook. .SH PASTRY .IG "1 cup" "flour" "100 g" .IG "\(14 cup" "sugar" "50 g" .IG "1 tsp" "vanilla" "5 ml" .IG "1" "egg yolk" .IG "\(14 cup" "butter," "60 g" softened .SH FILLING .IG "2\(12 lb" "packaged cream cheese," "1 kg" softened .IG "\(34 cup" "packed light brown sugar" "150 g" .IG "1 cup" "sugar" "200 g" .IG "3 Tbsp" "flour" "20 g" .IG "\(34 tsp" "ground allspice" "4 ml" .IG "\(34 tsp" "ground ginger" "4 ml" .IG "\(12 tsp" "ground cinnamon" "2.5 ml" .IG "1 lb" "canned pumpkin" "500 g" .IG "2" "egg yolks" .IG "5" "eggs" .IG "1 tsp" "vanilla extract" "5 ml" .IG "\(14 cup" "heavy cream" "60 ml" .PH "(PASTRY)" .SK 1 Preheat the oven to .TE 400 200 . Grease the bottom and sides of a .AB "9 inch" "22 cm" diameter .AB "3 inch" "8 cm" deep springform pan. .SK 2 Prepare the pastry by stirring flour and sugar together in a bowl. Cut in butter, egg yolk and extract. Work the dough (which will be very crumbly) with hands to complete the mixing. Evenly press the dough on the bottom and up the sides (to within .AB "\(12 inch" "1 cm" of the top) of the springform pan. Bake in the preheated oven for 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove and set aside to cool while preparing the filling. .PH "(FILLING)" .SK 1 Increase the oven temperature to .TE 475 250 . .SK 2 Beat the cream cheese in a large bowl until smooth and soft. Beat in the sugars, flour, spices and pumpkin until well blended. Add egg yolks and eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla extract, beat in well. Stir in the cream. .SK 3 Pour filling into the pastry crust. Bake for 12 minutes. Without opening the oven door, reduce the oven temperature to .TE 200 100 degrees and leave the cheesecake in the oven for an additional 1 hour and 15 minutes. At the end of the baking time, turn off the oven, but leave the cheesecake sitting inside (without opening the door) until the oven cools (about 2 to 3 hours). Remove from the oven, refrigerate overnight. .SH RATING .I Difficulty: moderate. .I Time: 1 hour preparation, several hours baking. .I Precision: measure carefully. .WR Mark Thompson Megatek Corporation, San Diego, California, USA mark@megatek.uucp