(Brian Reid) (05/13/88)
With this issue of alt.gourmand, the 500th recipe goes out. Yes, folks, we're halfway there to the Thousand Recipe Online Cookbook, though I think we'd have to make it to 1024 to warrant calling it an online thousand. Vicki O'Day's recipe for "Bacon Potato Pie" is officially the 500th recipe. (Is that the correct way of making a posessive from a contraction?) Another happy announcement. I've written a paper about alt.gourmand, which has been published in a new refereed journal called "Electronic Publishing". This journal is published by John Wiley, who also publish "Software Practice and Experience"; it is similar in style and substance to SP&E. My paper is in Volume 1, Number 1. Have your librarian subscribe to EP now. I don't have the ISSN in front of me here or I'd provide the ordering information to you. Here's the usual weekly boilerplate for new readers: This is alt.gourmand, the USENET Alternative electronic magazine for people who love to cook, eat, collect recipes, and learn about foods around the world. The newsgroup alt.gourmand is an electronic magazine and not an ordinary newsgroup. Every article in it is either written by the editor or else proofread and approved by the editor. It is published weekly from, at the DEC Western Research Center in Palo Alto, California. These recipes are received and processed with a "recipe software package". It is posted to this newsgroup at intervals, or you can retrieve it from the decwrl archive server. (Mail a message saying "help" to or {decvax,sun,ucbvax,cbosgd}!decwrl!archive-server If you would like to submit a recipe, mail it to Please do NOT try to submit something by posting to the newsgroup. There is a major bug in the moderated group handling of the 2.11 news software, such that if you post something to a moderated group the moderator receives 20 or 30 or 40 copies of it over a period of several weeks. One copy is enough. Brian K. Reid {sun,decvax,ihnp4,pyramid,ucbvax}!decwrl!reid