[sci.med.aids] CDC Report for July 1, 1989

info-aids@apple.com (INFO-AIDS MAILER) (07/28/89)

People Living With AIDS .. 41,922  41.9%
TOTAL Diagnosed with AIDS  99,936  100 %
(as of Jul 1 1989)

>From the CDC report for Jul 1, 1989:
AIDS cases listed alphabetically by 
   12 mos 12 mos | Cumulative numbers 
   ending ending | adult | child        
   6/31,  6/31,  | over  | up to         
   1988   1989   | 13    | 13  total 
Ala    190   224     534   15   549
Alaska  15    14      61    1    62
Ariz   300   264     797    4   801
Ark     74    79     211    3   214
Cal   5311  5762   19679  142 19821
Colo   273   348    1009    5  1014
Conn   370   424    1203   41  1244
Del     54    82     183    4   187
DC     523   542    1754   21  1775
Fla   2003  3190    7804  215  8019
Ga     649  1002    2417   33  2450
Hawaii  84   114     352    2   354
Idaho   11    20      40    2    42
Ill    838  1069    2858   41  2899
Ind    167   239     570    6   576
Iowa    29    57     134    3   137
Kansas  75    92     243    3   246
Ky      70   109     257    4   261
La     418   429    1283   18  1301
Maine   31    43     119    2   121
Md     549   614    1708   39  1747
Mass   564   761    2091   34  2125
Mich   292   512    1156   19  1175
Minn   151   174     533    5   538
Miss   102   145     295    6   301
Mo     346   384     981    8   989
Montana 13    12      30         30
Neb     39    40     109    1   110
Nev    130   140     354    3   357
NH      39    47     113    4   117
NJ    2321  2380    6708  198  6906
NM      55    76     184    1   185
NY    5752  6421   22530  500 23030
NC     308   357     874   20   894
NDakota        6      13         13
Ohio   495   528    1382   22  1404
Okla   138   160     410    9   419
Ore    189   200     571    3   574
Penn   851  1027    2720   51  2771
RI      74    86     238    6   244
SC     121   255     513   15   528
SDakota  5     6      16         16
Tenn   241   283     618   10   628
Tex   2006  2359    6818   55  6873
Utah    64    77     197    5   202
Vermont 16    14      43    1    44
Va     320   395    1134   22  1156
Wash   440   461    1337    8  1345
WVa     16    39      84    2    86
Wisc   120   113     354    1   355
Wyoming  3    15      23         23
      ____  ____   _____  ___  ____  
     27245 32190   95645 1613 97258

Guam     4     1       6          6
Terr.          1       1          1
PR     823  1407    2543   65  2608
Virg I  23    33      60    3    63
      _____ _____  _____  ____  _____
Total 28095 33632  98255  1681  99936 
Age at Diagnosis:
(total cumulative numbers)                         

Age group         cases      percentage 
under 5            721             1%
5-12               200  less than  1%
13-19              316  less than  1%
20-24             3776             4%
25-29            14286            16%
30-34            22101            24%
35-39            19949            22%
40-44            12642            14%
45-49             7190             8%
50-54             4154             5%
55-59             2611             3%
60-64             1366             2%
over 65           1137             1%
                 _____           ____                                     
Male subtotal    90449           100%
Age group         cases      percentage 
under 5            660             7%
5-12               100             1%
13-19               73             1%
20-24              612             6%
25-29             1871            20%
30-34             2456            26%
35-39             1638            17%
40-44              798             8%
45-49              363             4%
50-54              234             2%
55-59              185             2%
60-64              159             2%
over 65            338             4%
                 _____           ____                                     
Female subtotal   9487           100%

Total            99936 *

* The figures immediately above and 
below include 226 patients whose 
race/ethnicity is unknown.  --  CDC)
                  cumulative        %
White not Hispanic     56806        57
Black not Hispanic     26916        27
Hispanic               15271        15
Asian/Pacific Islands    596         1
Native Amer/Alaskans     121 
                       _____       ____
Total (SEE ABOVE)      99936 *     100%
Table 6.  Transmission categories   
Males                 totals         %
Ho/Bi                  60007        67 
IV Drug users          15550        17
Ho/Bi & IV users        6982         8
Heterosexual            1856         2
Blood transfusion       1508         2
Hemophiliac              923         1
Undetermined            2702         3
Male subtotal          89528      91.1%
Females               totals         %
IV Drug users           4534        52 
Heterosexual            2602        30
Blood transfusion        906        10
Hemophiliac               25         0
Undetermined             660         8
Female subtotal         8727       8.9%
Total of people:       98255            

Locations at times of diagnosis:
                  new in    cum.    pop.
residence     last 12 mos  cases  in mill
Akron OH              31      67
Albany-Schenectady    58     198
Allentown PA          30      84
Anaheim CA           271     822
Atlanta              774    1856    2.03   
Austin TX            151     382
Bakersfield CA        17      53
Baltimore            383     951    2.17
Baton Rouge LA        46     109
Bergen-Passaic NJ    240     901
Birmingham AL         81     178
Boston               606    1702    2.76
Bridgeport CT        131     369
Buffalo NY            42     131
Charleston SC         56     121
Charlotte NC          74     192
Chicago              897    2456    7.10
Cincinnati OH         65     193
Cleveland OH         138     389
Columbus OH          127     311
Dallas               548    1708    2.97
Dayton OH             60     140
Denver CO            288     828
Detroit MI           359     829
El Paso TX            10      46
Ft Lauderdale FL     469    1296    1.02
Ft Worth TX          139     366
Fresno CA             49     108
Gary IN               17      46
Grand Rapids MI       32      61
Greensboro NC         60     135
Greenville SC         29      67
Harrisburg PA         46     109
Hartford CT          134     328
Honolulu HI           90     289
Houston              844    2985    2.91
Indianapolis IN      114     252
Jacksonville FL      148     357
Jersey City          409    1249     .56
Kansas City MO       203     534
Knoxville TN          28      69
Las Vegas NV          98     254
Little Rock Ark       29      90
Los Angeles         1790    6912    7.48
Louisville KY         45     113
Memphis TN            78     199
Miami                863    2502    1.63
Middlesex NJ         194     554
Milwaukee WI          68     212
Minneapolis          154     464
Monmouth NJ          165     392
Nashville TN         106     215
Nassau-Suffolk, NY   336    1088    2.61
New Haven CT         113     400
New Orleans LA       257     859 
New York            5546   20177    9.12
Newark              1008    2920    1.97
Norfolk VA            87     237
Oakland CA           319    1172
Oklahoma City         20     136
Omaha                 29      76
Orlando FL           189     387
Oxnard-Ventura CA     39      92
Philadelphia         761    2128    4.72
Phoenix Arizona      182     579
Pittsburgh PA        134     343
Portland OR          160     456
Providence RI         74     210
Raleigh-Durham NC     73     194
Richmond VA           83     217
Riverside CA         221     620
Rochester NY          71     230
Sacramento CA        169     432
St Louis MO          181     443
Salt Lake City        64     176
San Antonio TX       352     495
San Diego            449    1344    1.86
San Francisco       1804    6506    3.25
San Jose CA          151     472
San Juan PR          883    1564    1.09
Scranton PA           23      69
Seattle              350    1027    1.61
Springfield MA        46     105
Syracuse NY           18      91
Tacoma WA             27      80
Tampa                448     959    1.57
Toledo OH             21      59
Tucson Ariz           55     159
Tulsa OK              51     122
Washington DC        852    2851    3.06
West Palm Beach FL   325     879
Wilmington Del        68     146
Worcester MA          37     105 
Youngstown OH       (not included)

Metropolitan area
         subtotal  27960   85779

            areas   5672   14157
                   _____   _____
U.S. Total         33632   99936

TOTAL reported cases and Fatalities
by half-year, 1979-1988. 
Time              Cases  Deaths   %
Before 1981         83      67   81%
1981 Jan-Jun        94      85   90%
     Jul-Dec       199     183   92%
1982 Jan-Jun       396     359   90%
     Jul-Dec       669     599   90%
1983 Jan-Jun      1278    1168   91%
     Jul-Dec      1645    1489   91%
1984 Jan-Jun      2545    2192   86%
     Jul-Dec      3349    2904   87%
1985 Jan-Jun      4769    4077   85%
     Jul-Dec      6164    5145   83%
1986 Jan-Jun      7885    6347   80%
     July-Dec     9557    6990   73%
1987 Jan-June    12019    7975   66%
     July-Dec    13181    7002   53%
1988 Jan-Jun     14085    5770   41%
     Jul-Dec     13460    4140   31%
1989 Jan-May      8448    1522   18%
                 _____   _____   ___
Totals :         99936   58014   58%
   Reporting of deaths is incomplete.
General notes:  The past period numbers 
change as statistics are reported to the 
CDC.  These are not errors.  The time 
lag in reporting causes this.  You may 
notice that the percentages do not ap-
preciably change, although there is a 
steady increase in the numbers.  You 
will notice, if you add up all of the 
columns, that there are errors.  The 
figures simply do not add up correctly.  
Please leave comments in E-mail to 
sysop about any errors you may see.
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