Rob.Bates@ncar.UCAR.EDU (Rob Bates) (08/05/89)
LZ> I was watching the news this evening, and there was an article on a new LZ> drug called DDI, manufactured by Bristol Myers There are three DD* druges currently on trial ... ddC (dideoxycytidine), ddA (dideoxyadenosine) and ddI (dideoxyinosine. Information I have suggests that while nucleoside analogues are not currently as glamorous as tricosanthin or soluable CD4, researchers believe they offer the best hope of an early advance beyond zidovudine (AZT) in treatment availability. The most advanced and promising appears to be ddC, which was abandoned at one stage as being too toxic. It is now apparent that ddC suppresses the p24 antigen (the key indicator of HIV activity) at very low doses without side effects. A phase 3 trial (placebo controlled) of 600 people is supposed to begin this month: they will receive 0.01 mg of ddC per kg of body weight every eight hours for six months. Another group will receive a combination of ddC and zidovudine. A phase two trial (efficacy) is also apparently planned. With luck, ddC could be approved for release during 1990. I'm indebted to a report on the Montreal AIDS Conference by Adam Carr in the July edition of OUTRAGE (Australia's best gay monthly magazine!) for this information. Rob -- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!noao!asuvax!stjhmc!3!634!381.1!Rob.Bates Internet: