Rob.Bates@ncar.UCAR.EDU (Rob Bates) (10/03/89)
The Victorian AIDS Council (Melbourne Australia)is to participate in the running of a new trial of AZT to guage the long-term benefits of long-term use during the early stages of HIV infection. One hundred HIV infected Victorians will particpate in what is part of this international trial which will involve a total of 2,000 volunteers world-wide. The trial will run for three years. The Personal Services Program within VAC/GMCHC has examined the protocol of the trial and the "informed consent" document and is satisfied that the trial is well designed and will be well conducted. Volunteer particpants will be reminded that long-term use of AZT can have side-effects, but that these are reversible upon withdrawal from the drug. The Victorian trial is to be monitored through the Gay Men's Community Health Centre Clinic, the Melbourne Communicable Diseases Centre and other centres in Prahran, Middle Park, Flemington and North Carlton. Further information about the trial and expressions of interest in participating from those who are in the early stages of HIV infection are invited by Dr Elizabeth Benson and Mary O'Flaherty, Monash Medical School 520 2649. (from Melbourne Star Observer #101) Rob -- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!noao!asuvax!stjhmc!3!634!381.1!Rob.Bates Internet: