[sci.med.aids] Immunity and Chinese Medicine Symposium Oct. 22, Long Beach, CA

CFChavez.ESM8@XEROX.COM (10/03/89)

*Immunity and Chinese Medicine*

Chinese Medicine Symposium.
Sunday, October 22, 1989.  9 a.m.  5 p.m.
To be held at the Marriott Hotel  (close to Long Beach Airport)
4700 Airport Plaza Drive,  Long Beach, CA.   90815.

The speakers and their topics:

Dr. Subhuti Dharmananda     The Role of Blood-Vitalizing Herbs in the
Treatment of Immune Disorders

Dr. Qian-Liang Lin     Senior Citizens and Geriatric Immune Disorders

Dr. Mei-Fang Chen     Chinese Medicine and Immunity

Dr. Luc De Schepper     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Traditional
Chinese Medicine

Dr. Qing-Cai Zhang     Trichosanthin and Its Clinical Applications for

Dr. Rolland Herbert     Clinical Trials for the Treatment of AIDS

Dr. Michael Zeng     Traditional Chinese Medicine AIDS Treatment
Case Studies

Pre-registered Members*	     $85
Pre-Registered Non-Members     $100
Pre-Registered Student     $75
(Fees include morning refreshments and lunch, either vegetarian and
* Member of Oriental Healing Arts Institute.

For information, fees, and registration write:
Oriental Healing Arts Instititue
1945 Palo Verde, Ave.,  Suite 208
Long Beach, CA 90815
Or call:     213-431-3544

>From their pamphlet:
*. . .With the medical field's dedication to helping patients
suffering from AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and other symptoms occurring
from the breakdown of the body's natural immune system, we feel this topic
is of tremendous concern to all of us.
*The following will give you more detailed information about the
Symposium, at which prominent physicans and researchers will be featured
speakers.  We hope you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity
to learn more about immunity and Chinese medicine.*