SECBH%CUNYVM.BITNET@oac.ucla.edu (Jack Carroll) (10/07/89)

The Community Research Initiative, the nation's oldest community-based
drug trial organization and the model for others around the country,
did not receive funds from NIAID in response to a proposal it submitted.
Eighteen other organizations received a total of 9 million dollars in
grant monies.

Dr. Bihari of CRI called this "a serious blow to our efforts."

Mathilde Krim said, "Federally sponsored drug trials will not be available
to the majority of New York AIDS patients," as a result of this move.

CRI has asked that interested individuals express their concern, by telephone
or fax, to the following individuals.  The situation is urgent.

Dr. Louis Sullivan             Dr. James Mason         Dr. James Allen
Secy. of Health & Human Svcs.  Asst. Secy of H & H     202 245-0471
202 245-7000                   202 245-6274            fax 202 472-7054
fax 202 245-7203               fax 202 245-6869

Dr. Sam Broder                 Dr. Ellen Cooper        Dr. "Bopper" Dayton
NCI                            FDA                     NIAID
301 496-5583                   301 443-7580            301 496-0701
fax 301 496-6005               fax 301 443-5924        fax 301 480-5703

Dr. Anthony Fauci              Mr. Brad Stone          Peggy Hamburg
NIAID                          FDA Press Office        NIAID
301 496-2263                   301 443-3285            301 496-9088
fax 301 496-5349               fax 301 443-1388        fax 301 496-5349

Dr. Dan Hoth                 Dr. Burton Lee            Dr. Stuart Nightengale
NIH                          The White House           FDA
301 496-0545                 fax 202 456-2300          301 443-6143
fax 301 480-5703                                       fax 301 443-1309

Pat Randall                  Dr. Frank Young          Rep. Barbara Boxer
NIAID Press Office           FDA                      c\o Mark Cloutier
301 496-5719                 301 443-2410             415 661-2613
fax 301 402-0120             fax 301 443-1719         fax 415 661-6275

Sen. Edward Kennedy          Rep Nancy Pelosi         Rep. Henry Waxman
c\o Michael Iskowitz         c\o Dr. Steve Morin      c\o Tim Westmoreland
fax 202 224-5128             415 556-4862             202 225-4952
                             fax 415 556-4510         fax 202 225-7090

Rep Ted Weiss
c\o Patsy Fleming
202 225-2548
fax 202 225-2382

Your calls and letters are needed.

Jack Carroll
The City University of New York