[sci.med.aids] The HIV Travel Guide

doug@spdcc.com (Doug Mackensie) (10/23/89)

 HTG - The HIV Travel Guide                                   Version 10/22/89
 Copyright (c) 1989 by The Larry T. Hoyt Memorial Foundation and Jason Lang.

 DISCLAIMER:  This Guide contains information that may be subjective or that
 may change without notice.  The author is not responsible for any problems
 arising out of use of this guide (including but not limited to incorrect or
 outdated information).  Inclusion in this guide does not constitute a
 recommendation, warranty or guarantee of any entity.

 WHAT TO DO IF THERE IS NOTHING LISTED:  Call directory assistance and ask for
 the nearest AIDS hotline.  Gay Hotlines and Crisis Centers can be very
 helpful.  Try the toll-free directory in the US and Canada at 800-555-1212.

 CAUTION:  There are organizations that allegedly offer AIDS information but
 charge for their recording or services.  Be wary of any US phone numbers with
 a 900 area code or a 976 prefix.  If in doubt, ask the operator.


 FORMALITIES (CUSTOMS, IMMIGRATION, ETC.) Note that there may also be local,
 county, state or provincial, national or supranational restrictions,
 requirements or prejudices that affect travellers abroad.

 1. WORLDWIDE: The Liason Group for Int'l Educational Exchange maintains
    listings of countries requiring HIV testing for people wishing to study
    abroad.  Contact:  Jan Kleinman.  Address: 1825 Eye St. NW, Suite 475,
    Washington, DC, USA 20006.  Tel: 202-659-0151.  (Source:  Larry Klein,
    Dean, City College of San Francisco, CA.) [Nov 1987]

 2. ASIA 
    a) PAKISTAN: Health Minister Amir Haider Kazmi allegedly announced HIV
       testing of (1) all foreigners living in Pakistan for six or more months
       and (2) all Pakistani citizens who have recently lived abroad.  (Source:
       The Body Positive, NY, NY; June 1989 issue, page 21.)

    a) CANADA
       1) BRITISH COLUMBIA: In April 1989 a person with AIDS (PWA) was
          allegedly harassed and detained but eventually admitted to Canada at
          the Vancouver airport when he attempted to use handicapped services.
          (Source: The Bay Area Reporter, San Francisco, CA; 4 May 1989; page
       2) ONTARIO: A driver carrying AZT was allegedly questioned for four
          hours and refused admission to Canada at the Ft.  Erie border
          crossing.  (Source:  The Bay Area Reporter, San Francisco, CA; 4 May
          1989; page 24.)
        1) NATIONWIDE: Aliens with AIDS will allegedly be admitted to the
           United States to (a) attend conferences, (b) obtain medical
           treatment or (c) conduct business BUT NOT as tourists according to
           David Runkel, spokesman for US Attorney General Dick Thornburgh.
           (Source:  The New York Times, 19 May 1989, page A-1, Western
        2) MINNESOTA: A Dutch PWA was allegedly detained and imprisoned in
           Minneapolis on his way to San Francisco to attend an AIDS
           conference.  (Source: The New York Times, 19 May 1989, page A-1,
           Western edition.)  But see NATIONWIDE above.


 MEDICAL AND EMERGENCY SERVICES by geographic region served.

    a) CANADA
       1) ONTARIO
          a> ESSEX COUNTY - see WINDSOR
          b> KENT COUNTY - see WINDSOR
          c> LAMBTEN COUNTY - see WINDSOR
          d> SARNIA - see WINDSOR
          e> TORONTO
             1> Physicians
                a: Denis M. Conway, MD, 408-40 Wellesley St. East,
                   Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1A4.  Tel:  416-964-2295.
                   Some French.  Cash or cheque for fees.
                   (Source:  self.)  [June 1989?]
          f> WINDSOR
             1> All AIDS services
                a: AIDS Committee of Windsor.  Contact:  Janine
                   Kissner, Support Services Coordinator.  Mail:
                   Box 2503, Windsor, Ontario N8Y 4S2.  Street:
                   1586 Wyandotte St. East, Suite 205, Windsor,
                   Ontario N9A 3L2.  Tel:  519-973-0222 (staffed
                   workdays; answering machine at other times).
                   Recorded information at all times 519-256-2437
                   (519-256-AIDS).  Some French spoken.  No fee.
                   (Source:  Janine Kissner of AIDS Committee of
                   Windsor.)  [July 1989]
      2) QUEBEC
         a> MONTREAL
            1> Hospitals
               a: English-speaking persons may wish to use the
                  Royal Victoria Hospital.  (Source: Richard
                  Burzynski of SIDA Montreal.) [June 1989]
        1) NATIONWIDE
           a> Mail order pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
              1> American Preferred Plan (APP) provides
                 prescriptions by 24-hour toll-free telephone,
                 accepts insurance as payment in full (after
                 deductible), files insurance forms for the patient
                 and charges no fee.  Tel:  800-227-1195 or, in New
                 York State, 800-445-4519.  (Source:  Jay Henry of
                 NY, NY.) [1989]
              2> Family Pharmaceuticals, PO Box 1288, Mt. Pleasant,
                 SC 29465-1288.  Tel:  800-922-3444 or in South
                 Carolina call collect to 881-3444.
                 (Source:  Curt Clinkscales of Washington, DC.) [1988?]
              3> WITHIN 1,000 MILES OF CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA: Air Ambulance
                 (free) provided by Phoenix Air Medical Services, Inc., c/o Dr.
                 John Miles, Gastonia, NC.  Tel:  unknown.  (Source: Newsweek,
                 NY, NY; 10 July 1989; page 51.)
        2) ARIZONA
           a> TUCSON
              1> Home Care Counselling: Patrick Swift, MD, infra.
              2> Physicians
                 a: Oncologists (cancer): Patrick Swift, MD, Dept. of Radiation
                    Oncology, Univ. of Arizona Medical School, Health Science
                    Center, Tucson AZ 85724.  Tel:  602-626-6724.  (Source:
                    himself.) [May 1989]
        3) CALIFORNIA
              1> Information & Referral: Being Alive, 4222 S. Monica, Los
                 Angeles, CA 90029.  Tel:  213-667-3262.  (Source:  Dan
                 Solliday, Exec. Dir. of Being Alive.) [unknown]
            b> MENDOCINO COUNTY
               1> Home Care: Community Care Management Corp.  Tel: 707-459-1514
                  in Willits or 707-468-9347 in Ukiah.  (Source:  Roy Williams
                  of Mendocino Cty.) [1988?]
               2> Housing (emergency): Ford St. Foundation.  Tel: 707-462-1934.
                  (Source: Roy Williams of Mendocino Cty.) [1988?]
               3> Information & Referral: Coastal AIDS Project.  Tel:
                  707-937-2437 (707-937-AIDS).  (Source:  Roy Williams of
                  Mendocino Cty.) [1988?]
               4> Physicians
                   a: Dr. Andich, Willits.  Tel:  707-459-6115.
                      (Source:  Roy Williams of Mendocino Cty.) [1988?]
                   b: Dr. Apfel, Ukiah.  Tel: 707-468-5909.  (Source:
                      Roy Williams of Mendocino Cty.)  [1988?]
                   c: Dr. Matheson, Willits.  Tel:  707-459-6861.
                      (Source:  Roy Williams of Mendocino Cty.) [1988?]
                   d: Dr. Yolanda Seys, Long Valley Clinic.  Tel:
                      707-984-6132 or 707-984-6999.  (Source:  Roy
                      Williams of Mendocino Cty.)  [1988?]
                   e: Dr. Trotter, Ukiah.  Tel:  707-468-8566.
                      (Source:  Roy Williams of Mendocino Cty.)
               5> Utilities (power & wood)
                   a: North Coast Emergency Services.  Tel:
                      800-233-4480 or 707-463-0303.  (Source:  Roy
                      Williams of Mendocino Cty.)  [1988?]
                   b: Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Emergency
                      Services.  Contact:  Donna Christian.  Tel:
                      800-252-0990.  (Source:  Roy Williams of
                      Mendocino Cty.)  [1988?]
                6> Volunteers
                   a: MCAVN (Mendocino County AIDS Volunteer
                      Network).  Mail to:  PO Box 495, Redwood
                      Valley, CA 95470.  Street:   518 S. School St.,
                      Ukiah, CA.  Tel: 707-462-1932.  (Source:   Roy
                      Williams of Mendocino Cty.) [1988?]
        4) FLORIDA
           a> TAMPA
              1> Information and Referral: Tampa AIDS Network (TAN), PO Box
                 8333, Tampa, FL 33674-8333. Tel:  813-221-6420.  (Source: John
                 Wilson Jr. of Tampa.)  [May 1989]
              2> Physicians: Dorece Norris, MD, 2727 W. Buffalo Avenue, Suite
                 895, Tampa, FL 33607.  Tel: 813-875-1034.  (Source:  John
                 Wilson Jr. of Tampa.) [May 1989]
        5) LOUISIANA
           a> NEW ORLEANS AREA
              1> Physicians: Ted Wisniewski, MD, Director of C-100 Clinic,
                 Charity Hospital, 1532 Tulane, New Orleans, LA 70140.  Tel:
                 504-568-5304, -7041 or -5900 (answering service at all times).
                 Sliding scale or gratis.  (Source:  self.)  [April 1989]
        6) MINNESOTA
           a> Physicians
              1> Univ. of Minnesota HIV Clinic.  Contact:  Noreen Seeger or Dr.
                 Frank Rhame.  Box 421 UMHC, Minneapolis, MN 55455.  Tel:
                 612-625-5155 for new patients or 612-626-5036.  (Source:  Dr
                 Rhame of same.) [July 1989?]
        7) NEW YORK
           a> NEW YORK CITY
              1> BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN
                 a: Pharmacy (open at all times): Kaufman Pharmacy, 557
                    Lexington Avenue (near 50th Street), NY, NY.  Tel:
                    212-755-2266.  (Souce: unknown.)
                 b: Physicians: 
                    1> Infectious Diseases: Jeff Greene, MD, 345 East 37th St.,
                       Suite 208, NY, NY 10016.  Tel:  212-682-2844.  (Source:
                       George R. Lanyi of San Francisco, CA.)  (NOTE:  We have
                       received an uncomfirmed verbal allegation of poor
                       quality care by Dr. Greene for the deceased lover of a
                       friend of Mr. Lanyi.)
           a> COLUMBIA
              1> Physicians: Alfred Burnside, Jr., MD.  Contact:  John Windham.
                 Mail:  PO Box 5896, Columbia SC 29250-5896.  Street:  1640 St.
                 Julian Place, Suite 300, Columbia SC.  Tel:  803-256-7282 or
                 803-256-7766.  (Source:  George R. Lanyi of San Francisco, CA;
                 themselves.) [Apr 1989]

 This is the current end of guide listings.  Additional information will be
 added as received.  If you have more information about any entity that is or
 should be listed (including personal opinion), kindly let us know at:  PO Box
 14883, San Francisco, CA, 94114 USA.  If you like you may leave an electronic
 note to JASON LANG on *GayCom* node 1/5 - FOG CITY in San Francisco.
 Copyright (c) 1989 by The Larry T. Hoyt Memorial Foundation and Jason Lang.
 All rights reserved except this guide may be published (1) electronically at 
 no cost to the user (e.g., by distribution as a message or file on computer 
 networks and bulletin board systems [BBSes]) or (2) as hardcopy (e.g., print,
 microfiche) if and only if sold at or below the cost of reproduction and
 postage (which does not include handling charges).
 Electronically published as a public service by FOG CITY BBS * San Francisco,
 CA * (415) 863-9697 for distribution via the *GayCom* network.
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Doug Mackensie
System operator, Doug's Den BBS - (617) 245-1270 - 300/1200/2400 baud
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