[sci.med.aids] HICN240 News -- excerpts.

dmcanzi@watserv1.waterloo.edu (David Canzi) (10/31/89)

Volume  2, Number 40                                       October 29, 1989

                         Editor: David Dodell, D.M.D.
                   St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
    10250 North 92nd Street, Suite 210, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258-4599 USA

   Copyright 1989 - Distribution on Commercial/Pay Systems Prohibited without
                              Prior Authorization

                                 Medical News

                 Medical News for week ending October 29, 1989
        Copyright 1989: USA TODAY/Gannett National Information Network
                          Reproduced with Permission

                                 Oct. 24, 1989

                        AIDS CASES RISING AMONG TEENS:

   There has been a sharp increase in the number of adolescent  infected  with
HIV,  the  virus  that  can lead to AIDS,  reports Dr.  Karen Hein at a recent
conference in Chicago.  Estimate:  Between 1,000 and 4,000 teens are  infected
with HIV. That number is doubling each year, Hein said. Causes: Mostly IV drug
use, heterosexual contact.

                                 Oct. 26, 1989

                        AIDS AFFECTS AGES DIFFERENTLY:

   People infected with the AIDS virus while young stay  healthy  longer  than
those infected as adults,  reports Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.
Facts:  Over eight years, AIDS developed in only 13 percent of those ages 1 to
17.  It  developed  in 27 percent of those ages 18 to 34.  (From the USA TODAY
Life section.)

                               Oct. 27-29, 1989

                         AIDS DRUG AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:

   Thursday,  the Food and Drug Administration authorized  wider  use  of  the
anti-AIDS  drug  Retrovir  brand  zidovudine  in treating certain HIV-infected
children. Burroughs Wellcome will provide the Retrovir Syrup free to pediatric
patients whose doctor and parent or guardian has agreed to enroll the child in
the Treatment IND program. (From USA TODAY'S Life section.)

Volume  2, Number 40                                       October 29, 1989

              !                                                !
              !              Health Info-Com Network           !
              !                    Newsletter                  !
                         Editor: David Dodell, D.M.D.
                   St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
    10250 North 92nd Street, Suite 210, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258-4599 USA
                           Telephone (602) 860-1121
         FAX Available - Call/Write/Email for Additional Information

   Copyright 1989 - Distribution on Commercial/Pay Systems Prohibited without
                              Prior Authorization

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David Canzi