psc@lzaz.UUCP (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (12/24/85)
< Oxygen is for people who can't take New Jersey > Well, Jerry Pournelle's column appeared again in the lastest INFOWORLD. They must have screwed up; they put a photo on the top of someone who doesn't look anything like him.-) I like Jerry, and I like much of his writing, but he's best when he's got room to ramble, and he doesn't here. He's been given just enough room to pontificate, and he does. Anyone else prefer his old, "me 'n' Zeke went fishing" User Columns, full of specific observations, with *reasons* why he preferred one product over another? (Granted, the industry was different in those days; you chose the least bad product.) (And if anyone's talking to him on BIX, tell him I thought his photo was, um, surprising?) -- -Paul S. R. Chisholm, ihnp4!lznv!psc (not ihnp4!lzaz!psc) The above opinions might not be shared by any telcomm company. NOMINATE MARK LEEPER (mtgzz!leeper): HUGO AWARD FOR BEST FAN WRITER IN 1986