(Richard DeWald) (12/05/89)
In a message of <28 Nov 89 18:15:56>, Adam Selene (1:107/269) writes:
AS>I'm not sure I understand the problem ... what exactly IS the objection
AS>to PWA policical organization and pressure. When did "politics" get
AS>re-defined (along with "liberal") as a hate-word ?
I can't speak for everyone, but I have no objection to a well-informed effort
to bring about changes in public health policy for PWA's by political means.
You are certainly well-informed, your previous messages about examples of
patient groups facing political problems is more extensive than one I could
have come up with.
What bothers me is the reactionary screaming about Gay-bashing because of
people's concerns about AIDS. What bothers me is the assertion that medical
discrimination began and ended with AIDS, and it is really just a thin cover
for homophobia and hatred. You are clearly not involved in that kind of
politics, so I have no problem with you.
Politics got its bad name long before "liberal" was a bad term. The kind of
politics that honors humanity (in modern times) got snuffed out with the
assassination of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, in my opinion. Politics
has come to mean the kind of back-room wheeling and dealing to take power away
from the people that is practiced by Reagan-era public "servants." This kind
of activity deserves a dirty name.
Pay it no mind, Adam. I am a liberal, and I love politics. I am also a
nursing student, a Christian (there's another maligned and mis-used term), a
heterosexual, a Caucasian, a Texan, and I have been called (in the local press)
a "radical populist" (whatever THAT means). Labels are conveniences, not ends
in themselves.
Look at Sickle Cell Anemia. It afflicts a racial group that has suffered for
four-hundred years on this continent. If there is ever an oppurtunity to use
medical means to discriminate, it is there. But, SCA is different, its victims
are innocent in everyone's eyes. We have no control over our genetic make-up.
AIDS is an infectuous disease, people can avoid getting it (now that we know).
Most people agree that IV drug users are a problem for our society. I know
that life in, for example, the most economically depressed areas can be tough,
I know that addicts can be seen as initially just seeking relief from that
misery. The most compassionate have trouble condemning people for seeking
relief. However, I think it takes a singular lack of moral courage to resort
to sticking needles in your veins. I believe a moral stand must be made. This
is morally wrong. So, one of the patient groups carries this judgement in my
Homosexuals are a different problem. Adam, there is one person in this world
that I care about who they are sleeping with: my lover. It is beyond me why
people care so much about other people's sex lives. If AIDS were a
heterosexual disease, we would be pining about the tragedy that something so
deadly is transmitted through an act of love and affection, not making
judgements about the morality of the afflicted.
So, I don't buy the moral arguments about homosexuality, I think they are
ridiculous. However, for reasons that I cannot fathom, people think
homosexuals are deserving of scorn. Perhaps it is because the homosexual sex
act is purely for the excahnge of love, pleasure and affection, not that sacred
act of procreation, I don't know. It can only be a tiny fraction of the
heterosexual sex acts this evening that will be for the purpose of procreation,
so even this I don't give much weight to.
So, because of these prevailing attitudes of the majority against the
populations largely afflicted with AIDS, PWA's are forced to exercise their
political power as a minority to assure that their rights are protected. Our
leaders may not understand the document well, but the constitution provides for
just such action. So, do it, but keep in mind that you are doing it in
solidarity with the minorities that have come before you, not like some newly
oppressed group out of the blue. Actions like this can clean-up the stain that
Reagan and his criminals left on the term "politics." I fully support it.
AS>+ Would you say that the "Grey Panthers" and the "American
AS>Association of Retired Persons" are A-political groups using ONLY
AS>education and persuasion to advance their advocacy of for older people
AARP is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington. Congressmen are scared
silly by it. They use strong-arm hard-ball tactics EVERYDAY!!! Don't let
anyone convince you otherwise.
AS>+ Do you believe that the American Medical Assoc. and the American
AS>Dental Association DO NOT have political agendas that they advance by
AS>political means ?
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
AS>+ Or is the issue that SOME ... "the right people" SHOULD have
AS>political organizations and influence ... while "OTHERS" (in the
AS>existential sense) ... "wrong people" SHOULD NOT ??
Well, who wants a bunch of queers hanging out at the Capitol anyway <grin>?
Right and wrong in political arenas are issues that are decided at the polls
and at the Supreme Court. It will take a thick skin to survive the slings and
arrows that political life will buy you, but you are the only one who should
decide is you are worth fighting for. It is not an easy life, but it has its
Richard O. DeWald
Sysop at Fido 1:382/70
Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!noao!asuvax!stjhmc!382!70!Richard.DeWald
Internet: (Jack Bowman) (12/07/89)
>What bothers me is the reactionary screaming about Gay-bashing because of >people's concerns about AIDS. What bothers me is the assertion that medical >discrimination began and ended with AIDS, and it is really just a thin cover >for homophobia and hatred. The news just brought us the story of a Florida jail where the jailers have decided to make all gays wear a pink plastic bracelet. The jailers claim the bracelets are to protect the wearers as it allows them to be segregated in the jails for their protection. Seems the other prisoners want to bash them due to their "causing" all this AIDS problem. History repeats itself with actions caused by hatred and ignorance. I do remember accounts of another jailer in another time in another country who used the same technique and even the same color although he added yellow and white for "variety". I don't think any of the "reactionary" people believe that discrimination began with AIDS or will end with AIDS. I do feel that we all tend to adopt attitudes when someone gets our attention with something we would rather not deal with. How many times have I heard something like, "Those damned [your favorite minority here] think they are the only ones that have problems!" or, "Those damned [minority] are the cause of this [any problem here]", or "Those damned [minority] are just too pushy"...and so it goes for eternity as long as mankind has differences. I was a student in the 50's and 60's and well remember the attitudes directed towards the civil rights advocates. They aren't much different today. It's not fashionable to be a racist anymore and that has helped but, the fundamental causes of discrimination, ignorance, fear and hate, are just as abundant. I think I would prefer, if I had been forced to wear a pink arm band or denied access to a publicly funded nursing home so as not to alienate an ignorant population, that you be "bothered" by my brashness of complaint rather than ignorant of my plight. The cold reality is that well worded letters to the editor do not effect changes in behavior . -- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!135!38!Jack.Bowman Internet: