[sci.med.aids] EB0UB011 LISTSERV Person Please contact me IMMEDIATELY

dgreen@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dan R. Greening) (12/19/89)


  This is Dan Greening, the moderater of sci.med.aids and the AIDS LISTSERV
mailing list.  I am having serious problems with the LISTSERV node at
EB0UB011.  These problems are serious enough that I will have to terminate
the European version of the AIDS mailing list, if I cannot resolve them

  If you are at Universidad Barcelona, please identify the owner of the
AIDS LISTSERV account, contact that person, and have that person contact
me via electronic mail.

  I am sorry this is so drastic.  It appears that a new listserv site was
created without my knowledge, and I do not have the permissions to change
the recipients list on that site.  As a result, I now receive about 20 very
large bounce messages from EB0UB011 every day, from AIDS recipients who
have left.


Dan Greening       | NY 914-789-7861 | 12 Foster Court
dgreen@cs.ucla.edu | CA 213-825-2266 | Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520