[sci.med.aids] AIDStreatments?

crossett@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Patricia A. Crossett) (02/28/90)

My brother has AIDS.  He is near the end according to his former doctor.
His present doctor doesn't say.  My brother has reached the point where he wants
to get well or die. Soon.  He has heard that Jonas Salk announced to a group in
Canada last summer that he has a cure for AIDS.  Everett wants to take it.  He
is on ddI after having not improved on AZT.  He is not improving on ddI.  How
can I contact Jonas Salk to get his medicine?  Also-what about the researcher
at Johns Hopkins who said last fall that he had cured one person...how do I
contact him?

Please send help if you can-or if someone else has documented a cure please
tell me.  Everett says that if the medicine doesn't cure him, but kills him
instead, that he is prepared and would welcome it.

Thanks so much,