[sci.med.aids] HICN 306 News -- excerpts.

dmcanzi@watserv1.waterloo.edu (David Canzi) (03/03/90)

         Medical News for the Past Two Weeks, Ending February 25, 1990
        Copyright 1990: USA TODAY/Gannett National Information Network
                          Reproduced with Permission

                                Feb. 2-4, 1990

                          SYPHILIS CASES UP IN 1989:

   The  upward  turn  in  syphilis  cases continued in 1989 to a 41-year peak,
alarming health officials who say the trend indicates non-use of condoms which
could also prevent AIDS.  There were about 44,000 cases in 1989,  compared  to
39,200 in 1988 and 33,800 in 1987. The disease is passed through sex or birth,
and can be deadly if untreated. (From the USA TODAY Life section.)

                         NEW HIV INFECTIONS DROPPING:

   The number of new annual human immunodeficiency virus  infections  -  which
leads to AIDS - peaked in 1986 and is declining,  reports the current issue of
Contingencies, an actuary journal. But it has projected that the number of new
AIDS cases will continue to rise until 1995, before it starts declining.

                                 Feb. 5, 1990

                        NEW REPEL GLOVE PREVENTS CUTS:

   Du Pont has introduced Repel Glove Liners,  made of Kevlar fiber,  to  help
surgeons  and  other  health  care  professionals prevent cuts that can become
routes for transmission of diseases like  AIDS.  A  surgeon  wears  the  liner
beneath  latex  gloves  to  ward off slashes;  the product is made of the same
fibers used in bullet-proof vests and military helmets.

                         HIV TEST, SUICIDES UNLINKED:

   Thoughts of suicide do not increase immediately after a positive HIV  test,
reports the Journal of the American Medical Association's Feb. 2 issue. In the
week  after test results,  self-reported suicidal thoughts dropped among those
who tested negative and did not rise among those testing positive.

                                 Feb. 8, 1990

                        BRITAIN SENDS ROMANIA SYRINGES:

   Britain will send one million disposable syringes to Romania, responding to
reports  of  the  world's  first  epidemic of childhood AIDS there.  The World
Health Organization said  medical  teams  have  found  700  Romanian  children
affected with the AIDS virus. The organism is spreading via contaminated blood
transfusions and the reuse of needles. (From the USA TODAY News section.)

                                Feb. 9-11, 1990

                         AIDS VIRUS-INFECTED CAN WORK:

   AIDS  virus  infection  shouldn't  automatically  disqualify  carriers from
working,  suggests a study reported in Thursday's Neurological Journal.  There
have  been  fears  that  HIV  carriers  may  suffer brain damage without other
symptoms; the study says neurological damage linked to the virus rarely occurs
before other serious symptoms. (From the USA TODAY Life section.)

                        AIDS CASES UP 9 PERCENT IN '89:

   The number of AIDS cases rose 9 percent over the past year,  from 32,196 in
1988  to  35,238  in 1989,  the Centers for Disease Control reported Thursday.
While cases rose more quickly among heterosexuals,  gay or bisexual men  still
accounted for 56 percent of new cases. Intravenous drug users accounted for 23

                                 Feb. 12, 1990

                        BLACK CRACK USERS AT AIDS RISK:

   Although they are afraid of getting AIDS, many black teen crack users often
trade sex  for  the  drug,  putting  themselves  at  high  risk  for  sexually
transmitted  diseases,  reports a study in the Feb.  9 Journal of the American
Medical Association. Of 222 surveyed, 76 percent had AIDS fears but 73 percent
followed unsafe sex practices like failure to use condoms or exchanging  money
for drugs or money.

                      Center for Disease Control Reports

                     Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
                          Thursday  February 8, 1990

                                Current Trends
       Update: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome -- United States, 1989

    During 1989,  state and territorial  health  departments  reported  35,238
cases  (14.0  per  100,000  population)  of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) to CDC.  Rates (reported cases per 100,000 population) were highest for
blacks and Hispanics;  for persons 30-39 years of age; in the Northeast region
and in U.S.  territories (primarily reflecting rates in Puerto Rico);  in  the
largest metropolitan areas;  and for men (Table 1).  Rates varied widely among
states (Figure 1).* As in previous years,  most reported cases occurred  among
men  who  had had sex with other men (homosexual/bisexual men) (56%) and among
heterosexual intravenous-drug users (IVDUs) (23%).
    The number of AIDS cases in 1989 can be compared with those in 1988 in two
ways:  1) by using cases reported during these  two  periods,  although  these
cases  may  have  been  diagnosed  in  earlier periods,  and 2) by using cases
diagnosed in these two periods and adjusting for reporting delays  (1).  These
two  comparisons  yield  different  results  for some categories of AIDS cases
primarily because of changes in surveillance criteria,  which were implemented
in late 1987 (2).
    Surveillance  based  on  date  of  report.  Compared with the 32,196 cases
reported in 1988, AIDS cases reported in 1989 increased 9%. Large proportional
increases occurred for cases reported in the South, in metropolitan areas with
populations  less  than  500,000,   and   for   persons   exposed   to   human
immunodeficiency   virus  (HIV)  through  heterosexual  contact  or  perinatal
transmission (Table 1).  The  largest  proportional  declines  occurred  among
children  infected  with  HIV  through  receipt  of  transfusions  or clotting
factors;  smaller proportional declines occurred for adults who  had  received
transfusions (Table 1).
    Surveillance based on date of diagnosis.  When 1989 and 1988 were compared
based on cases diagnosed in comparable 1-year periods (October 1-September  30
(adjustments  for reporting delays cannot be done reliably for the most recent
quarter)), cases increased 14%. Other differences were: proportional increases
among both blacks and  Hispanics  exceeded  the  increase  for  whites;  cases
increased in the Northeast, although proportionately less than elsewhere;  the
percentage increase for women was substantially greater than that for men; the
percentage   increase   for   heterosexual    IVDUs    exceeded    that    for
homosexual/bisexual  men;  and cases due to perinatal HIV transmission had the
largest increase among HIV exposure groups (Table 1).
    Long-term trends.  In mid-1987,  trends in AIDS cases by date of diagnosis
(adjusted  for  reporting  delays)  shifted--primarily  reflecting  a shift in
trends for homosexual/bisexual men (Figure 2a).  Cases among adult transfusion
recipients  and  persons  with  hemophilia  did  not increase as rapidly as in
earlier years and may have reached or neared their peaks  (Figure  2b).  Cases
associated  with  heterosexual  IV-drug use (Figure 2a),  heterosexual contact
(Figure 2c), and perinatal transmission (Figure 2d) continued to increase.

Reported  by:  Local,  state,  and  territorial  health  departments.  Div  of
HIV/AIDS, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC.

Editorial Note: Analysis of surveillance data for AIDS cases elucidates trends
in the characteristics of persons with severe HIV disease.  Varying trends for
different  categories  of  AIDS  patients  in  1989  highlight  the increasing
complexity and extent of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
    Interpretation of these trends is complex because of the expansion of AIDS
surveillance criteria in late 1987  (2),  which  extended  the  usefulness  of
surveillance in describing severe HIV disease. The new criteria led to greater
increases in reporting for cases in IVDUs,  blacks and Hispanics,  and persons
living in the Northeast (4) than for AIDS cases in other persons.  Also,  some
areas  retrospectively  reported  cases  that  met  the  new criteria but were
diagnosed before the new criteria  were  implemented  (2289  such  cases  were
reported  in  1988  and  623  in  1989).  There  are  also  other temporal and
geographic variations in reporting delays;  thus, comparisons between 1988 and
1989 differ depending on whether date of diagnosis or date of report is used.
    Cases  diagnosed  among  homosexual/bisexual men continued to increase but
not as rapidly as in previous years;  this change is most apparent  in  cities
such  as New York,  San Francisco,  and Los Angeles (5).  Possible reasons for
this observation include actual declines in the incidence  of  HIV  infection,
perhaps  due  to the success of prevention programs;  the effect of treatments
that delay progression of HIV disease;  and a decrease in the completeness  of
reporting (5,6).
    Since  routine  screening of donated blood for HIV antibody began in 1985,
transmission  of  HIV  through  blood  transfusions  has  become   rare   (7).
Transfusion-associated   AIDS  now  occurs  predominantly  among  persons  who
received transfusions before screening began.  Occurrence of  such  cases  has
leveled  or  possibly  begun  to  decline,  demonstrating the effectiveness of
    Increases in diagnosed cases were greatest for groups with  little  or  no
evidence  of reductions in HIV incidence,  such as IVDUs and associated groups
(i.e.,  persons infected  with  HIV  by  heterosexual  contact  and  perinatal
transmission).  Even though AIDS cases are heavily concentrated in the largest
cities, the epidemic is increasingly affecting smaller communities.


1. Karon JM, Devine OJ, Morgan WM.  Predicting AIDS incidence by extrapolating
from recent trends.  In:  Castielo-Chavez C, ed.  Mathematical and statistical
approaches to AIDS epi demiology:  lecture notes in  biomathematics.  Vol  83.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989.

2.  CDC.  Revision  of  the  CDC  surveillance  case  definition  for acquired
immunodeficiency syn drome. MMWR 1987;36(no. 1S).

3. Chambers JM, Cleveland WS, Kleiner B, Tukey PA.  Graphical methods for data
analysis. Belmont, California: Wadsworth International Group, 1983:91-104,121-

4.  Selik RM, Buehler JW, Karon JM, et al.  Impact of the 1987 revision of the
case definition of acquired immune deficiency syndrome in the United States. J
AIDS 1990;3:73-82.

5. Berkelman R, Karon J, Thomas P, Kerndt P, Rutherford G, Stehr-Green J.  Are
AIDS  cases  among  homosexual  males  leveling?  (Abstract).  V International
Conference on AIDS. Montreal, June 4-9, 1989:66.

6.  Gail MH, Rosenberg PS, Goedert JJ.  Therapy may explain recent deficits in
AIDS incidence. J AIDS 1990 (in press).

7.   Ward  JW,   Holmberg  SD,   Allen  JR,  et  al.   Transmission  of  human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by blood screened as negative for HIV antibody. N
Engl J Med 1988;318:473-8.

*The U.S. map will appear quarterly in the MMWR.  More detailed information on
AIDS cases is provided in the monthly HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report,  including
an  expanded  1989  year-end  summary  issued January 1990;  single copies are
available free from the National  AIDS  Information  Clearinghouse,  P.O.  Box
6003, Rockville, MD 20850.

Volume  3, Number  6                                          February 25, 1990

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              !              Health Info-Com Network           !
              !                    Newsletter                  !
                         Editor: David Dodell, D.M.D.
                   St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
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                  FAX +1 (602) 285-3670  [Attn: David Dodell]

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David Canzi