[sci.med.aids] Parallel Track Policy

Allen.Uebele.Actup.Milwaukee@p0.f69.n154.z1.fidonet.org (Allen Uebele Actup Milwaukee) (07/19/90)

On Friday 07/13 and Saturday 07/14, ACT UP - Milwaukee canvassed 
Milwaukee bars with the Parallel track policy letter.  The goal 
of this action was to obtain signatures on these letters so they 
could be mailed on Monday 07/17 to the National AIDS Program 
The letter was created after a call was made by ACT UP - New York 
for a national letter campaign in support of a Parallel Track for 
investigational AIDS drugs.
"Parallel Track (PT) is a federal program that will permit the 
use of investigational drugs for HIV disease by people who have 
no therapeutic alternatives even before these drugs are approved 
for marketing.  The federal government has published a policy 
statement on Pt in the Federal Register.  Until July 20, the feds 
will be entertaining comments from the public about PT.  It's 
imperative to the success of this policy that you write in its 
ACT UP - Milwaukee drafted a letter to this effect.  I have 
uploaded an ASCII format of the letter to the Misc. file section.
The file name is Parallel.ASC.  Please download and reprint the
letter.  It should be  mailed to the address listed on the
letter.  Please note, all  letters must be received by the feds
by July 20.  Letters should  be sent by Wednesday 07/18.  .      
If you have any questions regarding this policy please feel free 
to call ACTUP at 414-769-8708.
Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!154!69.0!Allen.Uebele.Actup.Milwaukee
Internet: Allen.Uebele.Actup.Milwaukee@p0.f69.n154.z1.fidonet.org