(The "Bird") (09/25/90)
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. From the cases presented, there appears to be no clinical, immunologic, or virologic support for the use of hyperthermia in the treatment of HIV disease or Kaposi's sarcoma. Neither does there appear any support for further human experimentation in this area at this time. 2. Clinical research in any setting must be based on widely accepted standard testing procedures for virology, immunology, and pathology that are performed by a single, accredited reference laboratory. COMMENT In all aspects of this investigation, Drs. Alonso and Logan and the staff of Atlanta Hospital who assisted with this project have acted with professionalism, openness, and a desire to help their patients with HIV disease. This would not have been possible without their full cooperation. -- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!135!38!The."Bird" Internet: The."Bird"