ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org (David Dodell) (10/22/90)
--- begin part 2 of 4, cut here --- Orlando, Fla. 691 7 698 Oxnard-Ventura, Calif. 138 - 138 Philadelphia, Pa. 3,104 52 3,156 Phoenix, Ariz. 906 4 910 Pittsburgh, Pa. 525 2 527 Portland, Oreg. 722 2 724 Providence, R.I. 328 8 336 Raleigh-Durham, N.C. 340 9 349 Richmond, Va. 356 7 363 Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif. 920 15 935 Rochester, N.Y. 330 2 332 Sacramento, Calif. 606 5 611 Saint Louis, Mo. 768 7 775 Salt Lake City, Utah 278 5 283 San Antonio, Tex. 755 11 766 San Diego, Calif. 2,218 19 2,237 San Francisco, Calif. 8,917 16 8,933 San Jose, Calif. 678 8 686 San Juan, P.R. 2,721 102 2,823 Scranton, Pa. 112 3 115 Seattle, Wash. 1,531 10 1,541 Springfield, Mass. 173 9 182 Syracuse, N.Y. 146 5 151 Tacoma, Wash. 124 1 125 Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla. 1,457 24 1,481 Toledo, Ohio 110 3 113 Tucson, Ariz. 236 2 238 Tulsa, Okla. 187 3 190 Washington, D.C. 4,261 62 4,323 West Palm Beach, Fla. 1,304 54 1,358 Wilmington, Del. 239 3 242 Worcester, Mass. 146 4 150 METROPOLITAN AREA SUBTOTAL* 128,028 2,207 130,235 ALL OTHER AREAS 21,470 421 21,891 TOTAL 149,498 2,628 152,126 * Only includes data from metropolitan areas which have populations of 500,000 or more. Table 3. AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and sex, reported October 1988 through September 1989, October 1989 through September 1990; and cumulative totals, by age group and exposure category, through September 1990, United States Males Oct. 1988- Oct. 1989- ADULT/ADOLESCENT Sept 1989 Sept 1990 EXPOSURE CATEGORY No. (%) No. (%) Male homosexual/bisexual contact 19,231 (64) 23,853 (63) Intravenous (IV) drug use (female and heterosexual male) 6,094 (20) 7,647 (20) Male homosexual/bisexual contact and IV drug use 2,183 (7) 2,387 (6) Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 296 (1) 316 (1) Heterosexual contact: 738 (2) 1,011 (3) Sex with IV drug user 365 448 Sex with bisexual male - - Sex with person with hemophilia 1 1 Born in Pattern-II* country 244 318 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 13 26 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 13 22 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 102 196 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue** 454 (2) 522 (1) Other/undetermined*** 1,013 (3) 2,090 (6) Adult/adolescent subtotal 30,009 (100) 37,826 (100) PEDIATRIC (<13 years old) EXPOSURE CATEGORY Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 31 (9) 31 (8) Mother with/at risk for HIV infection: 285 (80) 327 (81) IV drug use 147 152 Sex with IV drug user 63 77 Sex with bisexual male 7 5 Sex with person with hemophilia - 1 Born in Pattern-II country 27 22 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 1 2 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 2 1 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 11 18 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 4 5 Has HIV infection, risk not specified 23 44 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 32 (9) 27 (7) Other/undetermined 7 (2) 18 (4) Pediatric subtotal 355 (100) 403 (100) TOTAL 30,364 38,229 * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report) ** Includes 13 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV antibody, and 1 tissue recipient. *** "Other" refers to 3 health-care workers who seroconverted to HIV and developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HIV-infected blood. "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation. Table 3. AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and sex, reported October 1988 through September 1989, October 1989 through September 1990; and cumulative totals, by age group and exposure category, through September 1990, United States (Continued) Females Oct. 1988- Oct. 1989- ADULT/ADOLESCENT Sept 1989 Sept 1990 EXPOSURE CATEGORY No. (%) No. (%) Male homosexual/bisexual contact - (0) - (0) Intravenous (IV) drug use (female and heterosexual male) 1,885 (52) 2,273 (48) Male homosexual/bisexual contact and IV drug use - (0) - (0) Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 6 (0) 11 (0) Heterosexual contact: 1,165 (32) 1,606 (34) Sex with IV drug user 750 1,010 Sex with bisexual male 93 137 Sex with person with hemophilia 14 32 Born in Pattern-II* country 122 135 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 10 22 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 24 36 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 152 234 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue** 328 (9) 361 (8) Other/undetermined*** 213 (6) 497 (10) Adult/adolescent subtotal 3,597 (100) 4,748 (100) PEDIATRIC (<13 years old) EXPOSURE CATEGORY Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 1 (0) - (0) Mother with/at risk for HIV infection: 280 (92) 336 (91) IV drug use 120 154 Sex with IV drug user 63 68 Sex with bisexual male 7 7 Sex with person with hemophilia 1 1 Born in Pattern-II country 28 24 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 2 2 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 6 1 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 15 20 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 7 6 Has HIV infection, risk not specified 31 53 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 15 (5) 14 (4) Other/undetermined 8 (3) 19 (5) Pediatric subtotal 304 (100) 369 (100) TOTAL 3,901 5,117 * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report) ** Includes 13 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV antibody, and 1 tissue recipient. *** "Other" refers to 3 health-care workers who seroconverted to HIV and developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HIV-infected blood. "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation. Table 3. AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and sex, reported October 1988 through September 1989, October 1989 through September 1990; and cumulative totals, by age group and exposure category, through September 1990, United States (Continued) Totals Oct. 1988- Oct. 1989- Cumulative ADULT/ADOLESCENT Sept 1989 Sept 1990 Total**** EXPOSURE CATEGORY No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) Male homosexual/bisexual contact 19,231 (57) 23,853 (56) 89,155 (60) Intravenous (IV) drug use (female and heterosexual male) 7,979 (24) 9,920 (23) 32,257 (22) Male homosexual/bisexual contact and IV drug use 2,183 (6) 2,387 (6) 10,058 (7) Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 302 (1) 327 (1) 1,323 (1) Heterosexual contact: 1,903 (6) 2,617 (6) 7,785 (5) Sex with IV drug user 1,115 1,458 4,090 Sex with bisexual male 93 137 465 Sex with person with hemophilia 15 33 75 Born in Pattern-II* country 366 453 1,968 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 23 48 123 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 37 58 135 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 254 430 929 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue** 782 (2) 883 (2) 3,512 (2) Other/undetermined*** 1,226 (4) 2,587 (6) 5,408 (4) Adult/adolescent subtotal 33,606 (100) 42,574 (100) 149,498 (100) PEDIATRIC (<13 years old) EXPOSURE CATEGORY Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 32 (5) 31 (4) 132 (5) Mother with/at risk for HIV infection: 565 (86) 663 (86) 2,184 (83) IV drug use 267 306 1,091 Sex with IV drug user 126 145 454 Sex with bisexual male 14 12 49 Sex with person with hemophilia 1 2 9 Born in Pattern-II country 55 46 209 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 3 4 10 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 8 2 12 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 26 38 95 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 11 11 44 Has HIV infection, risk not specified 54 97 211 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 47 (7) 41 (5) 243 (9) Other/undetermined 15 (2) 37 (5) 69 (3) Pediatric subtotal 659 (100) 772 (100) 2,628 (100) TOTAL 34,265 43,346 152,126 * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report ** Includes 13 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV antibody, and 1 tissue recipient. *** "Other" refers to 3 health-care workers who seroconverted to HIV and developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HIV-infected blood. "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation. **** Includes 3 patients known to be infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2). See MMWR 1989;38:572-580. Table 4. AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and race/ethnicity, reported through September 1990, United States White, not Black, not ADULT/ADOLESCENT Hispanic Hispanic Hispanic EXPOSURE CATEGORY No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) Male homosexual/bisexual contact 63,669 (76) 15,043 (36) 9,445 (41) Intravenous (IV) drug use (female and heterosexual male) 6,541 (8) 16,180 (39) 9,375 (40) Male homosexual/bisexual contact and IV drug use 5,848 (7) 2,713 (7) 1,437 (6) Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 1,106 (1) 87 (0) 102 (0) Heterosexual contact: 1,652 (2) 4,712 (11) 1,357 (6) Sex with IV drug user 909 2,083 1,067 Sex with bisexual male 254 148 53 Sex with person with hemophilia 66 6 2 Born in Pattern-II* country 6 1,941 11 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 39 75 8 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 90 21 21 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 288 438 195 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue** 2,480 (3) 591 (1) 357 (2) Other/undetermined*** 2,009 (2) 2,080 (5) 1,195 (5) Adult/adolescent subtotal 83,305 (100) 41,406 (100) 23,268 (100) PEDIATRIC (<13 years old) EXPOSURE CATEGORY Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 89 (16) 17 (1) 23 (3) Mother with/at risk for HIV infection: 338 (60) 1,248 (92) 582 (85) IV drug use 167 616 302 Sex with IV drug user 72 197 183 Sex with bisexual male 18 21 10 Sex with person with hemophilia 6 2 1 Born in Pattern-II country 2 205 2 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country - 9 - Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 5 3 3 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 19 44 29 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 15 17 12 Has HIV infection, risk not specified 34 134 40 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 129 (23) 53 (4) 56 (8) Other/undetermined 9 (2) 37 (3) 23 (3) Pediatric subtotal 565 (100) 1,355 (100) 684 (100) TOTAL 83,870 42,761 23,952 * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report) ** Includes 13 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV antibody, and 1 tissue recipient. *** "Other" refers to 3 health-care workers who seroconverted to HIV and developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HIV-infected blood. "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation. Table 4. AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and race/ethnicity, reported through September 1990, United States (Continued) American Asian/ Indian/ Pacific Alaskan ADULT/ADOLESCENT Islander Native Total**** EXPOSURE CATEGORY No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) Male homosexual/bisexual contact 692 (74) 116 (54) 89,155 (60) Intravenous (IV) drug use (female and heterosexual male) 39 (4) 36 (17) 32,257 (22) Male homosexual/bisexual contact and IV drug use 19 (2) 28 (13) 10,058 (7) Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 16 (2) 8 (4) 1,323 (1) Heterosexual contact: 34 (4) 10 (5) 7,785 (5) Sex with IV drug user 14 7 4,090 Sex with bisexual male 8 1 465 Sex with person with hemophilia 1 - 75 Born in Pattern-II* country 4 - 1,968 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country - - 123 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 1 - 135 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 6 2 929 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue** 70 (8) 3 (1) 3,512 (2) Other/undetermined*** 61 (7) 12 (6) 5,408 (4) Adult/adolescent subtotal 931 (100) 213 (100) 149,498 (100) PEDIATRIC (<13 years old) EXPOSURE CATEGORY Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 3 (25) - (0) 132 (5) Mother with/at risk for HIV infection: 4 (33) 5 (100) 2,184 (83) IV drug use 1 2 1,091 Sex with IV drug user 1 - 454 Sex with bisexual male - - 49 Sex with person with hemophilia - - 9 Born in Pattern-II country - - 209 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country - - 10 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection - - 12 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 1 1 95 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue - - 44 Has HIV infection, risk not specified 1 2 211 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue 5 (42) - (0) 243 (9) Other/undetermined - (0) - (0) 69 (3) Pediatric subtotal 12 (100) 5 (100) 2,628 (100) TOTAL 943 218 152,126 * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report ** Includes 13 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV antibody, and 1 tissue recipient. *** "Other" refers to 3 health-care workers who seroconverted to HIV and developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HIV-infected blood. "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation. **** Includes 382 persons whose race/ethnicity is unknown. Table 5. Adult/adolescent AIDS cases by sex, exposure category, and race/ethnicity, reported through September 1990, United States White, not Black, not MALE Hispanic Hispanic Hispanic EXPOSURE CATEGORY No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) Male homosexual/bisexual contact 63,669 (80) 15,043 (44) 9,445 (46) Intravenous (IV) drug use (heterosexual) 5,004 (6) 11,884 (35) 7,882 (39) Male homosexual/bisexual contact and IV drug use 5,848 (7) 2,713 (8) 1,437 (7) Hemophilia/coagulation disorder 1,078 (1) 82 (0) 101 (0) Heterosexual contact: 525 (1) 2,311 (7) 284 (1) Sex with IV drug user 327 662 184 Sex with person with hemophilia 4 - - Born in Pattern-II* country 4 1,417 8 Sex with person born in Pattern-II country 33 33 7 Sex with transfusion recipient with HIV infection 26 11 5 Sex with person with HIV infection, risk not specified 131 188 80 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue** 1,596 (2) 314 (1) 184 (1) Other/undetermined*** 1,731 (2) 1,522 (4) 1,015 (5) Male subtotal 79,451 (100) 33,869 (100) 20,348 (100) FEMALE EXPOSURE CATEGORY --- end part 2 of 4, cut here --- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona uucp: {gatech, ames, rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!ddodell Bitnet: ATW1H @ ASUACAD FidoNet=> 1:114/15 Internet: ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165