[sci.med.aids] October 1990 AIDS Statistics Part 3/4

ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org (David Dodell) (10/22/90)

--- begin part 3 of 4, cut here ---

IV drug use                        1,537  (40)     4,296  (57)     1,493  (51)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder       28   (1)         5   (0)         1   (0)
Heterosexual contact:              1,127  (29)     2,401  (32)     1,073  (37)
    Sex with IV drug user               582           1,421             883 
    Sex with bisexual male              254             148              53 
    Sex with person with hemophilia      62               6               2 
    Born in Pattern-II country            2             524               3 
    Sex with person born
      in Pattern-II country               6              42               1 
    Sex with transfusion recipient
      with HIV infection                 64              10              16 
    Sex with person with HIV
      infection, risk not specified     157             250             115 

Receipt of blood transfusion, 
    blood components, or tissue      884  (23)       277   (4)       173   (6)
Other/undetermined                   278   (7)       558   (7)       180   (6)
Female subtotal                    3,854 (100)     7,537 (100)     2,920 (100)
TOTAL                                83,305          41,406          23,268 

   * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report
  ** Includes 13 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV 
     antibody, and 1 tissue recipient.
 *** "Other" refers to 3 health-care workers who seroconverted to HIV and 
     developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HIV-infected blood.
     "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is 
     unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who
     died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients 
     whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.

Table 5.   Adult/adolescent AIDS cases by sex, exposure category, and 
  race/ethnicity, reported through September 1990, United States

                                     Asian/          Indian/
                                     Pacific         Alaskan
MALE                                 Islander        Native          Total****
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)       No.   (%)       No.   (%)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact     692  (81)       116  (63)    89,155  (66)
Intravenous (IV) drug use 
  (heterosexual)                      26   (3)        20  (11)    24,890  (18)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                     19   (2)        28  (15)    10,058   (7)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder       16   (2)         8   (4)     1,289   (1)
Heterosexual contact:                  7   (1)         2   (1)     3,134   (2)
  Sex with IV drug user                   3               2           1,178 
  Sex with person with hemophilia         -               -               4 
  Born in Pattern-II* country             3               -           1,436 
  Sex with person born in 
    Pattern-II country                    -               -              73 
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                    -               -              43 
  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified         1               -             400 

Receipt of blood transfusion, 
  blood components, or tissue**       44   (5)         1   (1)     2,149   (2)
Other/undetermined***                 50   (6)         9   (5)     4,371   (3)
Male subtotal                        854 (100)       184 (100)   135,046 (100)

IV drug use                           13  (17)        16  (55)     7,367  (51)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder        -   (0)         -   (0)        34   (0)
Heterosexual contact:                 27  (35)         8  (28)     4,651  (32)
    Sex with IV drug user                11               5           2,912 
    Sex with bisexual male                8               1             465 
    Sex with person with hemophilia       1               -              71 
    Born in Pattern-II country            1               -             532 
    Sex with person born
      in Pattern-II country               -               -              50 
    Sex with transfusion recipient
      with HIV infection                  1               -              92 
    Sex with person with HIV
      infection, risk not specified       5               2             529 

Receipt of blood transfusion, 
    blood components, or tissue       26  (34)         2   (7)     1,363   (9)
Other/undetermined                    11  (14)         3  (10)     1,037   (7)
Female subtotal                       77 (100)        29 (100)    14,452 (100)
TOTAL                                   931             213         149,498 

   * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report
  ** Includes 13 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV 
     antibody, and 1 tissue recipient.
 *** "Other" refers to 3 health-care workers who seroconverted to HIV and 
     developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HIV-infected blood.
     "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is 
     unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who
     died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients 
     whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.
**** Includes 340 males and 35 females whose race/ethnicity is unknown. 

Table 6.   AIDS cases in adolescents and adults under age 25, by exposure 
  category, reported October 1988 through September 1989, October 1989
  through September 1990, and cumulative totals through September 1990, 
  United States 

                                                13-19 years old 

                                     Oct. 1988-      Oct. 1989-     Cumulative
                                     Sept 1989       Sept 1990      Total 
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)       No.   (%)      No.   (%) 
Male homosexual/bisexual contact     36  (30)        29  (18)      157  (27)
Intravenous (IV) drug use 
  (heterosexual)                     16  (13)        18  (11)       67  (11)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                     4   (3)         2   (1)       24   (4)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder      39  (33)        46  (29)      179  (31)
Heterosexual contact:                14  (12)        32  (20)       74  (13)

  Sex with IV drug user                 10              22             46 
  Sex with bisexual male                 1               -              3 
  Sex with person with hemophilia        -               1              1 
  Born in Pattern-II* country            1               2             13 
  Sex with person born in 
    Pattern-II country                   -               -              - 
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                   -               1              1 
  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified        2               6             10 

Receipt of blood transfusion, 
  blood components, or tissue         7   (6)        11   (7)       47   (8)
Undetermined**                        4   (3)        23  (14)       37   (6)

TOTAL                               120 (100)       161 (100)      585 (100)

   * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report
  ** "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is 
     unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who
     died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients 
     whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.

Table 6.   AIDS cases in adolescents and adults under age 25, by exposure 
  category, reported October 1988 through September 1989, October 1989
  through September 1990, and cumulative totals through September 1990, 
  United States (Continued) 

                                                20-24 years old 

                                     Oct. 1988-      Oct. 1989-     Cumulative
                                     Sept 1989       Sept 1990      Total 
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)       No.   (%)      No.   (%) 
Male homosexual/bisexual contact     799  (55)       841  (51)    3,623  (57) 
Intravenous (IV) drug use 
  (heterosexual)                     264  (18)       288  (17)    1,028  (16) 
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                    120   (8)       146   (9)      598   (9) 
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder       40   (3)        35   (2)      160   (3) 
Heterosexual contact:                146  (10)       199  (12)      595   (9) 
  Sex with IV drug user                  86             119            333
  Sex with bisexual male                  8               9             47
  Sex with person with hemophilia         6               4             14
  Born in Pattern-II* country            16              23            106
  Sex with person born in 
    Pattern-II country                    2               5              9
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                    1               4              6
  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified        27              35             80

Receipt of blood transfusion, 
  blood components, or tissue         16   (1)        22   (1)       95   (1) 
Undetermined**                        60   (4)       119   (7)      272   (4) 
TOTAL                              1,445 (100)     1,650 (100)    6,371 (100) 
  * See technical notes (available only in the printed version of this report)
 ** "Undetermined" refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is
    unknown. This includes patients under investigation; patients who 
    died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and patients
    whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation. 

Table 7.   AIDS cases by sex, age at diagnosis, and race/ethnicity, 
  reported through September 1990, United States

                                     White, not      Black, not 
MALE                                 Hispanic        Hispanic        Hispanic 
AGE AT DIAGNOSIS (YEARS)             No.   (%)       No.   (%)       No.   (%)
Under 5                              191   (0)       608   (2)        293  (1)
 5-12                                152   (0)        90   (0)         65  (0)
13-19                                213   (0)       135   (0)         85  (0)
20-24                              2,771   (3)     1,606   (5)        955  (5)
25-29                             12,112  (15)     5,485  (16)      3,562 (17)
30-34                             18,716  (23)     8,692  (25)      5,260 (25)
35-39                             17,487  (22)     7,927  (23)      4,535 (22)
40-44                             11,903  (15)     4,600  (13)      2,816 (14)
45-49                              7,103   (9)     2,512   (7)      1,439  (7)
50-54                              3,993   (5)     1,368   (4)        826  (4)
55-59                              2,499   (3)       844   (2)        504  (2)
60-64                              1,393   (2)       439   (1)        222  (1)
65 or older                        1,262   (2)       261   (1)        144  (1)
Male subtotal                     79,795 (100)    34,567 (100)     20,706(100)

Under 5                              181   (4)       580   (7)        278  (9)
 5-12                                 40   (1)        77   (1)         48  (1)
13-19                                 38   (1)        78   (1)         22  (1)
20-24                                263   (6)       476   (6)        239  (7)
25-29                                733  (18)     1,486  (18)        679 (21)
30-34                                878  (22)     2,202  (27)        792 (24)
35-39                                607  (15)     1,682  (21)        574 (18)
40-44                                331   (8)       778   (9)        297  (9)
45-49                                182   (4)       337   (4)        132  (4)
50-54                                137   (3)       200   (2)         79  (2)
55-59                                161   (4)       130   (2)         46  (1)
60-64                                145   (4)        76   (1)         26  (1)
65 or older                          379   (9)        92   (1)         34  (1)
Female subtotal                    4,075 (100)     8,194 (100)      3,246(100)
TOTAL                                83,870          42,761          23,952 

Table 7.   AIDS cases by sex, age at diagnosis, and race/ethnicity, 
  reported through September 1990, United States (Continued)
                                     Asian/          Indian/
                                     Pacific         Alaskan
MALE                                 Islander        Native          Total* 
AGE AT DIAGNOSIS (YEARS)             No.   (%)       No.   (%)       No.   (%)
Under 5                                3   (0)         2   (1)     1,100   (1)
 5-12                                  5   (1)         -   (0)       314   (0)
13-19                                  6   (1)         5   (3)       445   (0)
20-24                                 28   (3)        12   (6)     5,382   (4)
25-29                                112  (13)        42  (23)    21,352  (16)
30-34                                187  (22)        46  (25)    32,978  (24)
35-39                                192  (22)        31  (17)    30,262  (22)
40-44                                141  (16)        21  (11)    19,538  (14)
45-49                                 86  (10)        15   (8)    11,182   (8)
50-54                                 43   (5)         3   (2)     6,251   (5)
55-59                                 27   (3)         6   (3)     3,893   (3)
60-64                                  7   (1)         3   (2)     2,068   (2)
65 or older                           25   (3)         -   (0)     1,696   (1)
Male subtotal                        862 (100)       186 (100)   136,461 (100)

Under 5                                1   (1)         3   (9)     1,044   (7)
 5-12                                  3   (4)         -   (0)       169   (1)
13-19                                  1   (1)         1   (3)       140   (1)
20-24                                  3   (4)         4  (13)       989   (6)
25-29                                  8  (10)         4  (13)     2,918  (19)
30-34                                 16  (20)        10  (31)     3,907  (25)
35-39                                 10  (12)         5  (16)     2,884  (18)
40-44                                 15  (19)         2   (6)     1,425   (9)
45-49                                  7   (9)         -   (0)       662   (4)
50-54                                  5   (6)         1   (3)       422   (3)
55-59                                  3   (4)         -   (0)       342   (2)
60-64                                  6   (7)         1   (3)       254   (2)
65 or older                            3   (4)         1   (3)       509   (3)
Female subtotal                       81 (100)        32 (100)    15,665 (100)
TOTAL                                   943             218         152,126 

* Includes 382 persons whose race/ethnicity is unknown. 

Table 8.   AIDS cases, case-fatality rates, and deaths by half-year and age 
  group, through September 1990, United States


                              Cases diagnosed  Case-fatality  Deaths occuring 
HALF-YEAR                     during interval      rate       during interval 
Before 1981                             78          82.1               30 
1981 Jan.-June                          91          92.3               38 
     July-Dec.                         200          91.0               85 
1982 Jan.-June                         391          90.5              152 
     July-Dec.                         686          88.6              282 
1983 Jan.-June                       1,261          91.9              516 
     July-Dec.                       1,631          91.4              917 
1984 Jan.-June                       2,537          88.9            1,371 
     July-Dec.                       3,334          89.7            1,915 
1985 Jan.-June                       4,809          88.5            2,735 
     July-Dec.                       6,181          86.9            3,720 
1986 Jan.-June                       8,113          84.9            4,902 
     July-Dec.                       9,751          82.1            6,220 
1987 Jan.-June                      12,525          80.9            7,228 
     July-Dec.                      13,928          73.9            7,596 
1988 Jan.-June                      15,685          65.8            8,792 
     July-Dec.                      15,959          58.6            9,973 
1989 Jan.-June                      17,381          47.7           11,071 
     July-Dec.                      16,619          37.9           12,119 
1990 Jan.-June                      14,997          24.1           10,129 
     July-Sep.                       3,341          11.5            2,451 

Total1                             149,498          61.8           92,401 

* Death totals include 159 adults/adolescents and 2 children known to 
  have died, but whose date of death is unknown.

Table 8.   AIDS cases, case-fatality rates, and deaths by half-year and age 
  group, through September 1990, United States (Continued)

                                           Children <13 years old 

                              Cases diagnosed  Case-fatality  Deaths occuring 
HALF-YEAR                     during interval      rate       during interval 
Before 1981                              6          66.7                1 
1981 Jan.-June                           8          62.5                2 
     July-Dec.                           6         100.0                6 
1982 Jan.-June                          14          78.6                9 
     July-Dec.                          15          80.0                5 
1983 Jan.-June                          32          93.8               13 
     July-Dec.                          42          78.6               16 
1984 Jan.-June                          49          83.7               25 
     July-Dec.                          62          72.6               24 
1985 Jan.-June                          95          72.6               44 
     July-Dec.                         127          74.8               68 
1986 Jan.-June                         128          71.1               64 
     July-Dec.                         176          67.0               83 
1987 Jan.-June                         219          60.7              113 
     July-Dec.                         246          58.5              158 
1988 Jan.-June                         237          48.5              129 
     July-Dec.                         313          43.8              149 
1989 Jan.-June                         307          41.4              154 
     July-Dec.                         278          35.3              157 
1990 Jan.-June                         225          22.7              126 
     July-Sep.                          43          18.6               26 

Total1                               2,628          52.2            1,374 

* Death totals include 159 adults/adolescents and 2 children known to 
  have died, but whose date of death is unknown.

Table 9.   AIDS cases by year of diagnosis and definition category, 
  diagnosed through September 1990, United States 

                                               Year of diagnosis

                                     Before          Oct. 1986-      Oct. 1987
                                     Oct. 1986       Sept 1987       Sept 1988
DEFINITION CATEGORY*                 No.   (%)       No.   (%)       No.   (%)
Pre-1987 definition               32,586  (94)    20,962  (84)    22,734  (73)
1987 definition:**                 2,139   (6)     3,893  (16)     8,486  (27)
  Specific disease
   presumptively diagnosed            1,147           2,043           4,763 
  Specific disease
   definitively diagnosed               335             457             580 
  HIV encephalopathy                    186             509           1,090 
  HIV wasting syndrome                  471             884           2,053 

TOTAL                             34,725 (100)    24,855 (100)    31,220 (100)
 * Persons who meet the criteria for more than one definition category are
   classified in the definition category listed first.
** Persons who meet only the 1987 AIDS case definition and whose date of
   diagnosis is before September 1987 were diagnosed retrospectively. 

Table 9.   AIDS cases by year of diagnosis and definition category, 
  diagnosed through September 1990, United States (Continued) 

                                               Year of diagnosis

                                     Oct. 1988-      Oct. 1989-     Cumulative
                                     Sept 1989       Sept 1990         total
DEFINITION CATEGORY*                 No.   (%)       No.   (%)      No.   (%) 
Pre-1987 definition               23,868  (69)    17,867  (67)  118,017  (78) 
1987 definition:**                10,699  (31)     8,892  (33)   34,109  (22) 
  Specific disease
   presumptively diagnosed            6,029           5,296         19,278
  Specific disease
   definitively diagnosed               735             578          2,685
  HIV encephalopathy                  1,269             930          3,984
  HIV wasting syndrome                2,666           2,088          8,162

TOTAL                             34,567 (100)    26,759 (100)  152,126 (100) 
 * Persons who meet the criteria for more than one definition category are
   classified in the definition category listed first.
** Persons who meet only the 1987 AIDS case definition and whose date of
   diagnosis is before September 1987 were diagnosed retrospectively. 

Table 10.   Adult/adolescent AIDS cases by single and multiple exposure 
  categories reported through September 1990, United States 

                                                                  AIDS cases

EXPOSURE CATEGORY                                                 No.     (%) 
 Male homosexual/bisexual contact                              85,613    (57) 
 Intravenous (IV) drug use (female and heterosexual male)      27,662    (19) 
 Hemophilia/coagulation disorder                                  814     (1) 
 Heterosexual contact                                           7,414     (5) 
 Receipt of blood transfusion, blood component, or tissue       3,512     (2) 
 Other/undetermined                                             5,408     (4) 
 SINGLE MODE OF EXPOSURE SUBTOTAL                             130,423    (87) 

 Male homosexual/bisexual contact; IV drug use                  9,063     (6) 
 Male homosexual/bisexual contact; hemophilia                      30     (0) 
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