[sci.med.aids] RE John +, friedns concern

v075n3an@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Michael T Mucci) (10/27/90)

Im real concerned taht if you continue to push HIM to do something.youll 
push him away from you..
you wrote a letter and clearly expressed your concern caring , support and 
love... that is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)
now let it go.. you did your part.... WE CAN CARRY THE MESSAGE.... NOT THE 
INFECTED PERSON............ you say hes pushing you away... and i believe 
it.... your forcing him to look at something hes not ready to.... again 
BACK OFF or youll lose him.. or the friendhsip you have... at present it 
does seem strained......
RX: for you..... go to meetings as expressed in past msg..for "WORRIED 
i agree with the AL anon suggestion... they deal with CODEPENDENCE.. which 
I feel you may be dealing with.. that is putting someone else first before 
ourselves..... not a terrible thing.. its understandable ..you love him.. 
and dont wanna see him fall... BUT.. its not healthy for you or he..
you need to take care of YOU.
john is in his 20's?  hes not studpid im sure. this is 1990.. he knows 
whats happening out there..... youve clearly pointed the way....

1. you need support for you
2. I would go back to JOHn.. cuz your relationship is strained NOW.... and 
say something like hey dude... i know ive been pushing you to look at 
this.. its cuz i love you. and im concerned..... but i havent looked at 
your side... maybe you dont want to or arent ready yet.. and thats your 
decision.... i realize i was controling or wanting to control you. .thats 
no goood.. and im gonna allow aht decison to be yours....
apologize if youve offended him... tell him youll give his life to 
him...and IM HERE JOHN IF YOU NEED ME>>. then just be your normal selves

you must repair the underlying resentmetns..... for your relationship to 

MAIL ME AT v075n3an@ubvms  if you need to  talk..
all my best... :)

your a lovign person  .. now love yoru self and take care of you.. go to a 