[sci.med.aids] JOHN testing +, and friends concern

v075n3an@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Michael T Mucci) (10/27/90)

your love and caring for JOHN is quite evident.. what a great friend to 
have.. hes a lucky guy.. i need to tell you taht JOhn is experiencing a 
LOSS... a loss ofhealth.. a loss of future  perhaps.... and ALL of us who 
experience loss go thru sever predicatble stages. .as outlined by ELIZABETH 
KULBER ROSS (who has an excellent new book out on loss and 
AIDS-paperback--get it for yourself)....they are:


this is a process... it takes time.. John is obviously at the DENIAL stage.
and for a good reason.. perhaps his conscious mind could not handle the 
NEWS NOW>...... and hed FLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!>. this is a protection factor of 
the EGO..... you dont want to push someone too soon to accept something 
that is so terrible they may not have the coping skills to deal with it.

let him be... and in all politiness BACK OFF
take that caring you have for  him soo much and show it by allowing him HIS 
space and time to deal with this awakening...
cont next letter...........

rob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US (Rob Boldbear) (10/28/90)

In article <40699@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU> Michael T Mucci) writes:
>LOSS... a loss ofhealth.. a loss of future  perhaps.... and ALL of us who 
>experience loss go thru sever predicatble stages. .as outlined by ELIZABETH 
>KULBER ROSS (who has an excellent new book out on loss and 
>AIDS-paperback--get it for yourself)....they are:

I thought long ago this was shown to be wrong. These aren't stages at all.
Sure when people experience a "loss", they go through periods when they
feel one or more of these five, but they aren't stages:
	- they often don't occur in sequence
	- a person might return to one of those feelings multiple times
	- a person might not experience all give
	- a person might experience more than one at a time

The fact that these really don't come in sequential stages is crucial to
my next point.

>this is a process... it takes time.. John is obviously at the DENIAL stage.
>and for a good reason.. perhaps his conscious mind could not handle the 
>NEWS NOW>...... and hed FLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!>. this is a protection factor of 
>the EGO..... you dont want to push someone too soon to accept something 
>that is so terrible they may not have the coping skills to deal with it.
>let him be... and in all politiness BACK OFF
>take that caring you have for  him soo much and show it by allowing him HIS 
>space and time to deal with this awakening...

What is denial? It's a refusal to see the world as it really is.

The "stage" theory might mislead us on a few points:

	- "Each of the stages are natural and useful defense mechanisms."

	  True but misleading.  Denial is not always in the best
	  interests of the person.  E.g.  denial can be very dangerous.
	  A person who is in denial about a serious situation can make
	  the serious situation worse because they are not dealing with
	  it in accordance with it's true nature.  A person who denies
	  they have a health problem may not take the precautions useful
	  for reducing risks to their health.

	- "A given stage will end at a natural and appropriate time, so
	  let it run its course."

	  Denial can persist longer than it serves the best interest of
	  the individual. A person can return to denial later on.
Rob Bernardo                             Mt. Diablo Software Solutions    _ /
email: rob@mtdiablo.Concord.CA.US        phone: (415) 827-4301           <_/><
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"If religious institutions are going to suck on the public teat, they shouldn't talk while their mouths are full." - Jack Carroll