[sci.med.aids] Supposed Euphamism

BARNETTJ%SNYSYRV1.BITNET@oac.ucla.edu (11/10/90)

The term body positive as an alternative to the term HIV+ may not
be such a bad idea.

As a medical student, I have learned that there exists a whole host
of terms which are used as alternatives to the common names of
diseases.  ie.  Leutic=syphillis    Acid Fast = Tuberculosis

The reasoning for this is partly that physicians and their colleagues
can discuss in front of the patient during rounds differential
diagnosis without contributing undue psycological trauma and strain
on the strickened person.  Hence, once the condition a probable
diagnosis is made from the differential, the caring physician can
go and sit down with the HIV+ individual (or the patient with
TB or Syphillis, or what have you) and not only present and
explain in a humane manner what is happening to the individuals
body, but also inflict the least psychological trauma  - that is
at least in theory.

Hence, Body Positive might be actually an excellent term to
be used in a clinical setting

_Jordan Barnett
MSII, Health Science Center at Syracuse