[sci.med.aids] Paranoia

The.Bird@f38.n135.z1.fidonet.org (The "Bird") (01/17/91)

Would all of you caught up in the following please refrain from posting and 
especially from sending me private mail such as the following. Of course if 
you have documentation or authoritative research to share, I welcome it 
otherwise bag it. thanks..."Bird"

To     : The Bird
Subject: Re: Africa
Status : Pvt  Kill
From  ankh!novavax!medex2!uunet!pdn.paradyne.com!norman!winters
From: ankh!uunet!pdn.paradyne.com!winters (John Winters)
To:   The.Bird@f38.n135.z1.fidonet.org
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 91 11:10:02 EST

It has been established that AIDS was planted in Africa by WHO.  See
previous postings here for further documentation.  A lot is known about this.
But not much is said, as there seems to be a campaign afoot to discredit this.
Who are we protecting?

Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!135!38!The."Bird"
Internet: The."Bird"@f38.n135.z1.fidonet.org